Friday, April 1, 2011

Hello Once Again


I've decided to no longer continue this blog...I haven't updated since Thanksgiving?
I don't exactly remember when my last update was.

Anyway, if any of you viewers in Canada or Russia or South Korea or wherever you may be (even in the States) want me to continue, I will, just post a comment.
But if you don't, as I surely do think you stumbled upon this blog and did not continue reading it daily or weekly, then I would be fine. I'll consider deleting this blog over break in two weeks.

I certainly do think this blog was a terrible was of my time, but it's no worse than facebook, twitter, youtube, or any other social media website. At least I got a tad better at writing (I'd like to think).

Anyway, just leave a comment if you'd like me to continue! I will certainly understand if you don't want me to.

It was nice while it lasted. It's good to know I tried to follow some order the first semester of college. This semester has been complete chaos.

Goodbye! :)