Monday, December 13, 2010


1. i'm just waiting until i think of something worth millions so i can drop out of college and have fun.

2. i'm waiting for the moment in my life when i can honestly answer no to the question "if you could do it all over again, would you change anything?" 

last time i tried something new?  - aside from the courses i'm in, actually attempting to do something new, probably over the summer -> surfing...

fuck, i should do something...
i hate these realizations.
i never change anything
after i say i should.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


i haven't blogged in quite a while
but i don't mind
well, i sort of do
but it's not like i write anything different each time
finals are this thurs (considered a final, but really  just a test...), 2 papers mon, tests: tues, wed
work thurs
leave fri at 230 am
should be hectic, but i'll live through it

got back from a capella christmas carol concert
it was good
i know a few people in the groups
i remembered that one of my favorite songs is O Come All Ye Faithful
but it has to have the latin verses in the middle!
i think we sing it at the end of every christmas mass
or at the beginning, pretty sure it's the end though
it's so nice

oh i had a really weird dream last night.
where catherine had a baby, but she thought it was ugly, so i ended up taking care of it
there was more to the story, but i don't want to write it all.
it was weird because we were either this age or 20, not sure why i can't remember which one....

oh so i'm pretty much not sure if i'm excited or sad about leaving
i don't like counting down because that means i'm closer to finals and leaving friends
but then i like counting because i'm closer to going home and seeing jared and graham and hannah and catherine and jamie and sonya and rachel and curie and everyone...

hmm what i want to do when i get back:
make christmas decorations!
make cookies!
make holy fuck make the fucking awesome snowflake paper things the grad assistant made in my hall
(she just walked by with them)
decorate the tree :)
take a picture with santa
buy and wrap gifts :)
listen to christmas music!
decorate the house
watch classic christmas movies:
1. garfield christmas
2. how the grinch stole christmas original
3. it's a wondeful life
4. elf
i cna't think of more
i would say a christmas story...but i'm sick of it and i know it's inevitable (a day marathon on tbs every year...)

umm that's about it
i have to study for my quiz tomorrow :(
always a quiz
oh! i don't know if i ever wrote this
but next semester i'm taking
1. seminar (required, did not pick)
2. statistics (the economics one- there's a bunch of different stats classes here, as, i think, there are at other colleges)
3. intro to accounting
4. intro to philosophy (required philosophy class, only freshman can take it, it's the easiest philosophy class, not to say that it is easy...apparently it's beyond impossible to get an A...)

yup, that's it
oh i also like the song
well it goes "and this christmas will be a very special christmas for me"
yeah. it's nice, i forgot about it too, until today.

we have a dorm decorating contest so the basement of our dorm is being decorated right now.
we raised $300 for the decorations...crazy
i didn't donate anything...whoops?

anyway, have a good finals week and rest of semester! safe flight home!
i'm not sure if i'm going to be writing more entries until after finals.