Monday, December 13, 2010


1. i'm just waiting until i think of something worth millions so i can drop out of college and have fun.

2. i'm waiting for the moment in my life when i can honestly answer no to the question "if you could do it all over again, would you change anything?" 

last time i tried something new?  - aside from the courses i'm in, actually attempting to do something new, probably over the summer -> surfing...

fuck, i should do something...
i hate these realizations.
i never change anything
after i say i should.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, so I failed at sleeping early and gave up for the moment so I came here. Lovely link. Really. Was thinking of some of the same things in my bout of insomnia. Now sleeping will be so much harder. The one that really got me was "Time or Money"--I always thought time was the no-brainer, and money was good mostly for buying time, but now... ugh.

    Last time you tried something new? On the back of your mind, Astrid, there's something (or many things) that you know you want to do. I don't know what it is/they are, but

    Do it.
