Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 31, 2010

So, I got to school Saturday. It was really nice. I didn't have to unload a thing. All of the RA and orientation leader upperclassmen took everything and dropped it off at the room.

This weekend has been really fun, but I've been really wanting classes to start. (I'll probably regret thinking that in about two weeks)
Although it was orientation, and I had to sit through a lot of lectures, I met a lot of new people and the entertainment at night was really cool.
The first night there was a mix and mingle type thing. There were inflatable bouncy things and inflatable race things. It was so much fun and the food was great.
The next night there was a comedian. He turned out to be a lot funnier than I expected. There was a movie afterwards (Killers) which I went to, but I didn't pay attention to the movie. I mostly just talked to people that were there, and left after about 20 minutes.
Last night, we had our convocation. We all dressed up and all of the guys on our floor made a tunnel type thing (more like they made two lines that were parallel) where they clapped as we walked through it. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring formal wear, but I was able to borrow one of my roommate's dresses. Convocation was interesting. We got a rock to symbolize something. The speakers and the music was all really good, too!  Dinner was (and apparently will be) the best food I've had so far. Later, there was a dance party type thing, which was ok. It was really hot and got boring after a while. Then I hung out with a girl from my floor. She's really nice.

Anyway, it's really hot here. Apparently it was 98 degrees in Boston today (I went there for a trip type thing). It's been around 90 for the past few days, but then at night it's around 70s. In Boston, I went on a duck tour and went to a science museum. The museum seemed like it was more for little kids. There were so many at the museum. They would just appear right next to my leg and I'd be so surprised. The duck tour was so much fun! The speaker was so funny. His name was General Lee Lost.

Tomorrow classes start, and I'm pretty much excited. I have my math seminar, then Greek 101, then Psych 101. I have to read part of my Psych book tonight before classes start though.
I have a little anxiety towards the amount of work, but I'm sure I'll figure out a way to handle it.
I'm nervous about my work study. I haven't filled out  my forms yet to work, and I don't want all of the shifts to fill up before I can sign up. That would be terrible.

I'm going to go look for my classes now, and then go have dinner with my orientation group! Last night of orientation! I get to meet the author of the summer reading book and watch some skit /dance thing the orientation leaders are going to put on. Should be interesting.

I think this post my be a little long and somewhat boring at parts, but I haven't written anything since I got here. Justified?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I've put off writing a new entry in this blog, because nothing exciting has really happened, and undoubtedly this blog entry is going to be boring...but here it goes:
Friday, I went without sleep for almost 24 hours which isn't so impressive, except that the day before I made it to 23 hours. That was essentially Friday...go read Catherine's blog if you want to know more.

Yesterday (Saturday), I woke up at 9am, but, as it turns out, no one is awake in the morning. After watching tv and attempting to clean, Graham woke up and we hung out downtown. It was fun. People were handing out free stuff, because all of the college students are back. We ran into Jerry, Katherine G, and Alice. I hadn't seen them since the end of school. Then, about 30 minutes later, we ran into my brother. He's pretty cool. I went home for dinner at 6:40, but my dad hadn't yet come home from baseball, so my mom and I made dinner. It was delicious, but everything was a little undercooked...so we had to cook it more after we were all ready to eat.

I also made oatmeal, chocolate chip, coconut cookies. They're delicious, but there's not that many left. I'm thinking about making zucchini bread tomorrow. I have most nothing else to do tomorrow anyway.

I'm thinking about making a list of things to do each day before I leave, so I'm not just stuck in my house a bit bored. I need to finish going college shopping, but I'm not sure when. I think I'm going to go Monday morning. I wish I had a car with an unrestricted license...then I could go out and do stuff.

I started my college reading. The book is called Hold Love Strong. It's not terrific, but not terrible. I feel as though I've heard the story a hundred times, so I'm not very interested in reading the book. It's about a poor man living in the projects that somehow makes it to college. The book isn't even an autobiography or based on a true story. I guess I'll just see how the story goes.

I leave in FIVE days (counting today) AND my birthday is in FOUR days! ...and my mom just woke up.

Yeah, not that good of an entry...but I'm not yet at college. Just wait!

Friday, August 20, 2010

For the amount of time it took me to think of a blog title, I realized it would be near impossible for me to ever become a poet, songwriter, or anything else which requires titles or some creativity (which sounds a bit sad). Thinking of titles for papers in high school was the worst.
I'm not sure if I like the title of this blog. It's from The Little Prince. I started reading it a few months ago, but never really finished (finishing the book was a goal for my summer). The title means: Language is the source of misunderstandings. It's sort of cliche, but I don't mind. 

Anyway, I decided to make a blog after I talked to Daniel Wu. I guess Catherine and Hannah are too. I think I’m mostly going to write about college, but I guess I’ll see how it turns out. I’m not even sure how many people are going to read this, but I don’t care much. Originally I was just going to keep a journal, but typing is faster than writing. I’m not sure how often I’ll update, probably just when something interesting happens.

So, right now I’m trying to get my textbooks for classes. They’re so expensive and I have to get so many books! I'm taking four courses and I need seven books. It's ridiculous. I think getting them off of Amazon would be much cheaper than getting them from the book store, but I don’t think the books would get to my house before I leave. I would put the shipping address as my college address…but I’m lost as to what it is, and I think the books might get to my school before I arrive (is that a problem?). 

Well, I'm at the end of my first post. I'll be back later!