Friday, August 20, 2010

For the amount of time it took me to think of a blog title, I realized it would be near impossible for me to ever become a poet, songwriter, or anything else which requires titles or some creativity (which sounds a bit sad). Thinking of titles for papers in high school was the worst.
I'm not sure if I like the title of this blog. It's from The Little Prince. I started reading it a few months ago, but never really finished (finishing the book was a goal for my summer). The title means: Language is the source of misunderstandings. It's sort of cliche, but I don't mind. 

Anyway, I decided to make a blog after I talked to Daniel Wu. I guess Catherine and Hannah are too. I think I’m mostly going to write about college, but I guess I’ll see how it turns out. I’m not even sure how many people are going to read this, but I don’t care much. Originally I was just going to keep a journal, but typing is faster than writing. I’m not sure how often I’ll update, probably just when something interesting happens.

So, right now I’m trying to get my textbooks for classes. They’re so expensive and I have to get so many books! I'm taking four courses and I need seven books. It's ridiculous. I think getting them off of Amazon would be much cheaper than getting them from the book store, but I don’t think the books would get to my house before I leave. I would put the shipping address as my college address…but I’m lost as to what it is, and I think the books might get to my school before I arrive (is that a problem?). 

Well, I'm at the end of my first post. I'll be back later!

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