Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 66

omg i can only tell you how difficult it was for me to fall asleep last night.
i got in bed around 2? 130? 1? i don't remember
and i stayed in bed, awake, until 6 when at that time i somehow managed to fall asleep.
how the fuck did i stay awake for that long in my bed wanting to fall asleep but failing to? gah...
i only got 2 hours.
now i'm sort of tired, but not really

for rowing, we received an email of who was going to row today, and i was not.
so i thought, oh, i can eat at 330, because i wont be working out in a half hour.
buttttt at 410 coach texted all of us saying to go to the tanks and do a 6k on the ergs.
well, fuck my life.
it was terrible.half way through i could taste my 330lunch in my mouth.
my time was terrible, which really just sucks. there goes any of my chances at racing this weekend :(
but i did get to race last weekend, so all is fair. at least i like to tell myself that.

i worked today too. it was a terribly boring shift. i had tortellini for dinner though.
hmmmm not much else to say
except I wish I could be
goodbye :)

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