Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 71

19 days!
fuck yes!
or 18?
ummm today was uneventful. 
i woke up at 11, then 1130, then 12 thinking oh i will for sure wake up so i can get some breakfast/brunch
then i slept utnil 1230 and when i woke up i said, ohfuck! 
and i think my roommate heard and laughed
but it was bad because i was suppoes to meet someone in the basement at 1230 to work on a presentation. 
but it's ok, because he didn't show up and hten i texted him and he showed up around 1. 
we worked until 130, 
then i messed around online
i considered going to the football game but in the end decided not to
then i decided to take a work shift
and i worked from 4-730
it was alright
i get money
mo money mo problems?
i hope not...
um then i got back and my roommate had left for boston
umm then i decided to try to do some work, but i really haven't gotten around to it and it's now midnight
i pruposely stayed in my room tonight to do work and study, but nothing's happened. 
i'm vid chatting with catherine though! =D

that is my countdown to thanksgiving made of post it notes on my desk
my desk is quite messy too. 
the papers are all of my class schedules, highlighted with important dates. yup. but none of that is visible
the post it notes say 6DAYS 5DAYs 4 DAYS. and some have psych exam or arch paper or prob set written on them... the last one just says TODAY 4 PM! i'm so excited for break! not sure why though. maybe there isn't just one specific reason... 1. no work (but there will be, from what i heard, and more than i can imagine...) 2. see my brother 3. be in the city 4. see catherine and kui! 5. real food 6. sleep 7. adventure! i don't really know, but i'm just so excited! there's got to be more reasons too... i just need to think of them! i wont be seeing my parents or other bros though :( or go to tradition thanksigivng :(

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