Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 80/81

yesterday i didn't feel like writing a post

ran, dinner, work, hall meeting, study was my night
i don't remember the day

today i slept utnil 12
and i was fucking pissed off
i planned my day starting at 9 am
and it just didn't happen
so i'm 3 hours behind where i should be
right now is my dinner time
but i'm writing a blog post
and wiating for girl talk to download
and i'm going to go get a smoothie soon

hmm, today all i've had is 2 smoothies
and i'm about to get another
oh and i had some chips
and some cookies that i hadn't had in such a long time
i can't think of the brand
but they come in a green package
and it's a white cookie with creme on the inside and then another cookie
like an oreo but 100x better

yeah i have to study
but i was thinking
that i have no fucking idea what i want to do with my life
i always knew i wanted money
but why do i want money?
vacations, nice house, idk...
to get an education...
why do i want an education?
money. it's interesting
but what is it?
i don't know. right now i don't have a major
but i feel like my major doesn't matter
becuase i don't have a job i'm aiming for
i don't want to have a english, language, relgiious, sciencce, or music major
what's left?
probalby more stuff i could knock off that i can't think of.

right now i don't see the point of college which is sad
becuase it's my next 4 years
and i always thought i would go to grad shcool
but why?
i don't know.
tis' life.

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