Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 67

today was alright
i slept a lot
i went to breakfast too
i finish the nyt crossword puzzle
(with help)
i went to class
i didn't do laundry :(
i sort of studied
i went to crew practice
(last everyone-there practice until after thanksgiving :( )
i found out that to use all of my meal swipes, i need to have breakfast lunch and dinner everyday for the rest of my time here...so i think people should visit me so i don't have to do that, and so i don't have to waste them
but whatever.
it's fine
really, my day wasn't that eventful which i just realized.
i surely did something...but i didn't
oh! i had THE most delicious dessert ever! it was chocolate and fudgy maybe and oreo crumbs maybe and deliciousness! and fluffy! delicious!
i had a headache today too :(
yeah, that's about it.
i have a picture today.
i didn't vote. nope.
but republicans took over the house?
and senate is still undecided?
at least from what i've read so far.
eh, my vote in iowa wouldn't have made culver or conlin win  OR it wouldn't have made grassley and branstad win more.
and if i voted in massachusetts, i would have felt bad since i don't know any of the candidates that well and i don't think it would have mattered. mass is really democratic, any vote i add wouldn't have affected the results. stronger win or still win...wouldn't matter.

but, i actually had a thought today, which i've forgotten. i actually wanted people's opinions on it...but sadly, i've forgotten what i wanted to ask/say...maybe tomorrow i'll remember.
fuck it's nov 3! it's 1:42 am! ahh

here's a song. i can't listen past the first 20 seconds. my head starts to hurt :(

and a video with my two new favorite drinks they have here.

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