Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 70

I thought I edited day 69, but it doesn't show up.
eh whatever.
today was today was today is today

i went to the season opener hockey game! it was so much fun even though we lost :(
tomorrow is the football game against lehigh and if we beat lehigh we'll win the league or something...
but i'm probalby not going to go to the game, because i have to do work.
and another hockey game is tomorrow night.
after the game we played pool and watched the celtics game which was cool. they're undefeated!
and then we listened to this hilarious comedian.
here's his website:
he did a hilarious impression of ruben from american idol
but during this time, my roommate was texting me telling me how she was locked out of the building (she forgot her keycard). i definitley didn't want to leave and walk in teh cold to go let her in. so i told her that when i get back to the dorm,  i'll let her in. it was dumb though because all she has to do is wait less than 10 minutes and she'll get on the floor...and 10 minutes isn't bad if you forgot your keycard.  idk.. i sort of felt like she was trying to use me because she thought i wouldn't have anything else to do but to go let her into the dorm...
anyway, after that, we went back to the dorm (lol...) and then hung out in the basement which was cool. one of the RAs let us into the RA office and we got ice cream!! it was delicious, but i wanted some chocolate syrup too.
then we talked for a while until 2:30 hah....
and now, i'm going to go to sleep. i know i forgot other stuff from teh day, but whatever.
i didn't get my boots today :(
my roommate is leaving for the weekend, if anyone wants to come down, they most likely probalby can. just text me...
oh, have you seen this website? i would imagine so because it's in the news right now
it's funny, well some of it is.
oh and i planned out my next few weeks.
it goes

Wed 10th
Greek - Quiz
Psych - Test
Mont - Presentation

Fri 12th
Arch - Paper

Wed 17th
Greek - Test

Thurs 18th
Arch - Test

Fri 19th
Mont - Paper

I'm finding this schedule a little rough for the last few weeks before break...gah!

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