Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 83/84

um thursday was alright
i got to see harry potter!
it was fucking amazing!
um what else? test. that sucked
but whatever.
sort of my attitude right now
which sucks
i want to change it, but i really can't for some reason
i don't have motivation
which sucks even more
yeah thursday happened.
then there was friday
which is today
oh fuck, friday sucks so far
sucks so much
i finished my paper on time
and now i'm on my way to providence
well, i'm about to walk to the shuttle to get to providence.
i'm exicted :) :) :)
i hope i didn't forget anything.
yup, so i'm not in a good mood
life goeson though
and on
and on
and on
i want to be 30 already
no i don't
yes i do
no i don't

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