Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 68

umm today was alright
went to class and stuff
tonight we had this thing with 1st floor girls and 4th floor boys where we each wrote down a question we wanted to ask the other gender and then we turned them in to the leaders and they asked them out loud.
it really wasn't as interesting as people thought it would be.
but we got ice cream! strawberry ice cream with oreo topping and whipped cream and chocolate syrup! delicious!
we were sort of required to go though...

um then i just hang out with some people in the basement and it was fun. we talked and hung out and it was cool although i didn't get much work done.

andddd i got back to my room at like 10pm today to let this girl in who was talking to my roommate in the room. and she left her stuff and my roommate was doing something not in the dorm, so i let her in to get her stuff.
and when i went back later around 11 to get some food i realized that some of my chocolate bars were opened and eaten. i'm SO mad because i let them in a closed plastic bag on my desk and none of them were opened! and i hadn't even started eating them yet. i was saving them because they're from europe. and it just annoys me too because i spent money on them (but they didn't cost a lot, so it's not sooo bad). and they were going to sort of be part of a christmas present too if i saved them that long (i'll probably eat them all).
it just really annoys me. i don't eat my roommate's food and i definitely don't offer it up to my friends. wtf would she do that? and why were they going through stuff on my desk that's in a closed plastic bag? in the back corner. ughhhh
i really haven't minded my roommate until now so much. but i odn't know if i'll address this or not. i probalby should but it could just be an awkward conversation and i'll probalby jsut end up saying "oh, it's fine" because she really can't go out and get some more of this chocolate. ughhhh life was ok, just ok, until now.
i want it to be thanksgiving break.
i'll start a countdown. T-20

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