Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 69

um my roommate is TRYING to sleep so i cant type much
i will later (tom)
but today scuked beyond belief.
i'll explain later
just wantedd to write this post to stay up with the days...

alright, so the day started out ok. i don't actually remember how it started. oh! i woke up at 10 and i went downstairs to meet someone to work on montserrat. he never showed! i didn't bring my laptop down becuase he was suppose to, so i couldn't do the work. i watched tv for a while and started my greek homework.
then i went to the mail place to check my mail and i didn't get my paycheck.
then i went to class, and it was boring, but i guess that's normal
then i went to check my mail again becuase i was going to go to the building anyway and i got my paycheck but it was only $24. i was definitley expectign much more!
oh and it was fucking pouring all day so my shoes were soaked...
anyway, after that i went to work and it was work, which is never really good
so, so far the day has been mediocre. not good, just ok.

but then the day  just got terrible
because after work, i went straight to the basement to work on montserrat, and when i went to the group they had gotten one point on one problem done which took them an hour. it should have only taken less than 10 minutes.  they did 2c... we still had four very long proofs left.
anyway, so there were 6 or 7 of us. and i sat down and started the proofs because people weren't working.
i thought of a way to do it and another girl helped with the reasons behind why it's true. then most everyone else just copied it, which at the time was ok,becuase they were going to help with the next ones.
but i ended up figuring out the next three because they would just look at the page and say idk OR just not even look at the page and just look at me or the other girl waiting for an answer...and they just kept copying. and one guy, in particular, would leave and socialize and then come back and say so what do we have so far? and i was so mad! i didn't want people copying my work!
so as i was finishing my proof for the last one which everyone except 2 other people had given up on (the 2 tried to solve it too, so i was fine with them looking at how i solved it), i told the 2 people to NOT share the answer with the guy because he CLEARLY was just mooching off of me (us?). and the guy came over asking, so what do we have so far? and i didn't say anything along with eveyrone else. and then he just stared as i kept talking about the proof...and then like 5 minutes later he asked so how do you do this? and one of the 2 guys just gives him his notebook and i was so pissed!
essentially the guy got every answer except for 2c from me. i figured out 1, 2ab, 3abcd
well, i guess essentially eveyrone got their fucking answers from me! except one of the girls really did do work and looked up the postualtes and stuff for me to write down. but really, it just pissed me off! and i was going to tell the professor, but ive just decided to go and not work with anyone on the next problem sets.

ANYWAY, i'm not sure if any of that made sense. it's probalby not even worth reading.
well that work ended at 1130 and i still hadn't studied for my greek quiz or finished the homewokr.
so i got some coffee drink at midnight ish which just fucked up my night more because i couldn't sleep until 4.

this was a bad day byt the time it was midnight.
but it may not seem that way.

1 comment:

  1. That's ok; people "copy" my math homework all the time too =P.

    I let them because usually they catch my dumb mistakes (of which there tend to be many).

    Just wait for the test...
