Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 78

today was cool
i don't really remember
oh fuck wait it wasn't too cool
so i had breakfast
which was good!
french toast!!
then, 20ish minutes later, i went on a run with a friend
and i almost threw up at the end
i got dizzy, my vision blurred, and i had to sit down
it really freaked me out
then i slowly  jogged back to her dorm
then i worked from 12-4
sort of a bad decision to do that.
but whatever
then i sat around for a while
i said i would do work at 5
i went downstairs at 5
to go get something to drink
turns out the pizza party thing was goign on
so i mingled and had some pizza
then i went to the social room
and watched some of hte pursuit of happyness
then i went to dinner at 7
it was good
actually, it wasn't at all
but that's ok
then i went to um my room
and chatted with catheirne
at 9 i was goign to do work
i ended up talking until 10
then i um went upstairs to hang out with some people
and we watched spider man
and i had more pizza
i had soooo much pizza today (gross...i had it during my break during lunch, then i had it for the pizza party, then i had some more at the movie...too much!)
after the movie i hung out with some people on the floor
5th floor is sooooo cool!
i like it much more than my floor...sadly,
but my floor is still cool. it's nice, it's easy walking.
then um i went to the fourth floor with some guys
i've never been on the 4th, but now i've been on 1-5! success!
yeah, it was cool
the rooms are so small for forced triples...but it makes sense since it's a forced triple.
umm then i got back to my room like 10 minutes ago
and there were some people drinking - like 6? and a prospective. he was such a small kid.
so now we have some bottles
and cups
ha. but whatever.
people just put them in the recycling the next day.
eh, so it was a fun night, but a bad day for studying/doing work.
um idk... not much else to say.

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