Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 82

it's wed
the greek test is done
i fucked up on some of it
i'm not sure what i'm going to get
but whatever.
i'm not watching psych right now
i sort of want to
sort of don't
i'll wait for sun?
i haven't finished my paper yet
i haven't studied for arch yet
i'm screwed
it'll be fun though
and i'm waking up at 5 for course enrollment
it started at 645, then 630, then 600, then 530 , and now it's 5.
a full 2hours before enrollment begins
just so i can get one of the few computers at the lib.
i would go to the 24 hour lab, if i knew where it is.
anyway, i think i'm going to go to sleep now, because i won't get to sleep again until 4 am tomorrow...which is actually friday.
fun fun!
6 days! which is now 5 days! fuck yes!! i still haven't bought a ticket yet though
i should really get on that.
but i can't decide if i should skip class tues and leave around 8 or 9 am or if should go to class and leave around 4pm on a school provided (but you have to pay for it) bus. if i go at 8 or 9 i would have to take a cab to nyc
is it worth it to leave earlier? is it worth it to go to clasS? i think he expects people to not show up from the way he was talking on tuesday.
i jsut ate a now and later
i regret it
so-so day
oh! i slept through my first class
second time in about a month
it's pretty bad.
next semester is going to suck if i get the classes i want. cross my fingers!
um it's fucking windy here. so windy. it's making wind noise which i can hear through a closed window.
maybe that's normal though. i'm not sure
time to go to sleep
health and safety inspection just happened. i passed! fuck yes
everyone passes really.

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