Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 32

Today wasn't exciting.
It was raining all day, but it was enjoyable. I used my umbrella!!
Thursday I have my first test. It's in archaeology and it's a slide exam. He'll show us a picture on the projector thing and we have to identify it and say some stuff about it. it seems really difficult.

Next wed i have my psych test and on fri i have my greek test!
I'm really nervous about the greek test. psych not so much, but i still think it will be hard.
i JUST turned in my montserrat paper. It wasn't too bad.
on a great note:
I GOT A 97 on my first paper!!! well, see, in montserrat it's suppose to teach you to discuss/participate and get you better at writing. so we got to rewrite this essay.
most of the points i missed were from grammar.
Here's a photo of the 99 (it's in two grades, one for content and structure and another for grammar)
don't know if you can see  it that well though.

ummm crew was alrgiht. it was in the tanks because it was raining too much.
i figured out why i didn't get my pay check. some problem with the system. i'll get one in two weeks i think? something ridiculous.

oh yeah, i got two parcels today! one from my mom!!! full of food and clothes! which i definitely needed. i can put off laundry for a few more days because i got some more of my jeans! and some sweatpants!!

and the second parcel was from macys. hmm,  spending money when i shouldn't be :(

gonna go study and read now.

Monday, September 27, 2010


it feels so much longer, which is cool and scary!
classes were fine.
crew was awesome! we rowed by all 8 and it was so cool!
ah roommate just woke up, i dont think she's fallen asleeep since 11 when she wanted to, i feel bad
this is going to be short.
um, work sucked. but i get paid
i still haven't talked to people to say i didn't get a paycheck last week.
i'm goign to do that tomorrow.
i'm goign to go to the bookstore tomorrow to look for stuff to buy.
i need more stuff for chilly weather.
i'm supposed to get a parcel tomorrow from my mom.

4 minutes left!!

test on thursday..
going to go study in the basement for an hour.
making some flashcards, because they seem to work really well!!
at least they do for greek vocab.
3 minuteS!
sorry for the bad post. probalby won't be good until october break. i need to study, and writing here isn't so helpful.
i do have a one page reflection paper due wed. and a problem set which really sucks, because i can't do 1/2 of it. going to get together with some people to work on it!!
2 minutes left!!!
hope you had a great birthday, catherine!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 29/30

so, i didn't write a new post because i didn't get on teh computer after i got home last night.
my roommate and her boyfriend were here.
i ended up sleeping in my bed. weird? idk...
i slept til 12 too, so i felt realllly bad :(
but she'll see him in two weeks i think.
haha at 2 couples to my list. ahhh lol. wait, maybe 3, no probably 2.
ahhh inside joke only i get! does that make it funny? no...

hmm, today i spent ALL day studying and eating when it was time to eat.
i'm so scared for my test on thursday.
i've made a list of when i'm going to study for this week.
here's to hoping that i follow it!

umm, yesterday was fun. hung out wiht some girls from my hall. meeting new people sort of.
ummmm ohhh had crew yesterday morning!
first of all, we saw an 8 person boat but they were sculling in it. so they each had two oars so 16 oars total and it was so cool!!!
and second, we brought out a 4 person boat as well as an 8 person. the 4 person one FLIPPED!!
it was so cool, and the people on the boat said it was a lot of fun! hahah.
and they all got their shoes back, even though they were wet.
(we take our shoes into the boat because we share the dock with 5 or 6 other schools, usually 2 while we are rowing though)

hmm first time being on my laptop all of today. weird.
anyway, don't have a song or a picture today. maybe tomorrow. sorry!!
don't have time to look for song and don't want to figure out an interesting photo.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 28

Realized this week was super boring, but that's ok. that happens sometimes.
i'm going to sleep early tonight because crew practice is at 7am :( i'm rowing 6 seat, should be interesting. today i was 4, and it sucked. usually i'm bow, so i'm not used to being port, or so up front.

i might take a work shift from 12-4, but i dont know if i want to do that. that's four hours of working.
i didn't get a paycheck this week! what happened?? I have to go talk to the people tomorrow after i look in my mailbox once more.

hmm, oh on the way back from dinner, we saw a skunk! and right before we saw the skunk, i was talking about how i saw one a few days ago. and the people with me said that it could have had rabies since it was out during the day! that's scary!
rabid fox? rabid skunks? on campus!
anyway, i ended up basically running back to my dorm. i kept on thinking about rabies. i did run into a girl i knew, so i talked to her for a while. running is so cool! while i was running, i thought of how catherine says she runs everywhere, but while i was running i was wondering if the people in the cars thought i was weird.

um, i think i'll do some work and then fall asleep. my roommate went out to a frisbee party! i'm soooooooo tired.
i'm that man on the moon and imma do what i do.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 27

I think I've found out that nearly EVERYONE except the sports people (who i don't really hang out with since i don't play their sport) is leaving for october break. what am i going to do?!  :(

umm, i have an archaeology test in exactly one week.
i think it's going to be reallly difficult and i'll have to study a lot.

i saw a skunk on campus today. it was fun! haha, but idk,
i was in a building and i saw it from two stories up, so it wasn't scary. duh...

um i'm pretty much tired. i worked today. i want my paycheck. best thing about fridays i think.
and that it's the end of the week.
i get one tomorrow! probably won't be much since I didn't work two shifts.

might go see Easy A this weekend. we'll see what happens. people on my floor want to, but i dont really want to. seems sort of dumb, like ever other movie similar to it, i guess you know what to expect when you walk in. idk...jared said it was really funny, so i guess it will be worth it. the movie theater here is so cool!! two floors and stuff. hahaha...it's just a movie theater.

so during work today, they were playing ummm maid of honor. that movie with patrick demsey (speaking of him, anyone watch grey's anatomy tonight?) and the girl from winthrop, iowa (!!!).
yeah, anyway, at the end they played this song
and it was so cool cause i silently sung along.

and it's awesome to go on people's shared itunes. because then you learn more music.
i'm listening to Fun and i hadn't heard of them before i stumbled upon this guy's library.

 photo tomorrow for sure! maybe....
i don't feel like just taking a photo.
oh wait, earlier i tried to take a photo of the outside of my window.
that's the bottom view sort of. i didn't take a great photo. maybe another time? you can see where people start to walk to get out to party. um, go straight, not right, and that goes out a gate. yeah.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 26

I've got to learn to wake up with my alarm clock. I just snooze until I have five minutes before I have to leave for class and then rush and get to my first class.

Hmm, today was average. I covered someone's shift today for work. It was in the deli. turned out the other RA on my floor works the shift too.

umm i got to see myself row on the tv today. the coach recorded us, and then we watched in slow mo our movement and stroke and stuff. our position. arm handle. when the paddle enters the water.

ha um i can't stop listening to kid cudi, but since i don't want to post a cudi song, i'll post the song my roommate was just singing.

ah if i could see jersey boys again, i totally would!!!
but listening to frankie valli is good too!!

oh! there might be a rabid fox on my campus.
spotted sort of near my dorm.
no photo today :(
tomorrow for sure!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 25

wow approaching a month here.
scary thought. sort of.
though it feels like i've been here forever, so not that scary.

woke up at 10 today, maybe 11? all i remember is wasting an hour, and then going to get a smoothie and then reading for about 1.5 hours. then going to class, then crew, then um here. took a shower. hah idk
missed glee, but that's ok. writing paper instead.
i have greek due tomorrow, per usual.
i also have psychology, but i'm not sure if i'm going to do the work, because i think i did it last week. i think i'm ahead in that class. it's a pretty easy class because of neuzil's class!!

hmm i don't have a thought today. i could force thoughts. i shouldn't though. i shouldn't have a thought section everyday either.
meh, i just made myself think of one:
this week is alcohol awareness week. i think it's pretty stupid to drink just to get drunk.
i dont mind when people party and drink, but getting completely wasted is stupid.
and driving when you had alcohol is even more stupid. i have no respect for people who do that.
but shit happens.

took a quick pic, just ate some peanut butter, so i still have the spoon. mmmmmm
ohhh french music.
haha, sort of.
listen to other songs by Air. they're pretty good and calming. sometimes.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 24

don't have much to say today. i didn't have a good day. i tried to wake up at 7:30, but i kept snoozing my cell phone alarm. because i did that, the hour before i actually had to wake up for class was really bad sleep.
i went to class, and i felt like i learned nothing. there was no point for me to be there i felt.
then i went to greek. i'm now lost in that class. tomorrow is devoted to learning greek and catching up in archaeology. i realized today that i'm far behind in archaeology. either i'm not noticing him saying things in class or i'm not reading the text well enough.
um, i had lunch today! i wanted to go to crew, but it was at 5, and i had to be somewhere at 730, so it would not have worked out. i went to a speaker about the galapagos at 730. i really want to go there now. i'm glad i didn't go in high school, because i would not have appreciated the beauty of the animals. i had almost no prior knowledge of the galapagos before the speaker.
after that i went to the library and read for about 1.5 hours. i got on the computer after that and chatted for quite longer than i wanted to.
for dinner i had a salad that had too much dressing on it :(

i don't have a thought for today.
My heart thump not from being nervous 
Sometimes I'm thinking God made me special here on purpose 
So all the while 'til I'm gone make my words important so 
If I slip away, if I die today the last thing you remember won't 
Be about some apple bottom jeans with the boots with the fur 

i found a church buddy, sort of. without chai lattes, i would be exhausted. 
today, i realized i like bracelets. well, not really bracelets, just stuff to put on my arm.

it's so cool! i want more stuff. just have to find more. 
how fantastic is kid cudi?!
every once in a while, i return to cudi and remember he's so good!!

i think each day i go from rap to calmer music back and forth. or it just depends on how i feel that day.

oh, i thought of a thought
how much money is too much money to spend? i want to buy something online right now. but i dont want to spend the money. i guess that's why i have a job, but i havent worked twice the week, when i should have. idk...i guess i just have to restrain myself. i like getting stuff, i just don't like spending my money on it. what am i going to do when i'm out of college and have no money because i spent it all on clothes or music or books or shoes or other stuff? how will i pay for grad school? lame that i have to think that far ahead in my life. but it's only 4 years ahead.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 23

erm, so I don't like how the last blog ended up. I sounded whiny, arrogant, and annoyed at the world, and i probably was. I have so much work! when i talk to other people, they don't seem to have as much work. but i'm not really sure. i was working on greek earlier, and i got so frustrated with it, that i stood up and kicked my chair. poor decision, but i needed to get out my frustration with it. i don't understand why i can't just get it. sigh.
i feel as though even if i work to be ahead, i still will be behind. which doesn't make sense, but it sort of does.

anyway, today was the same. crew. eat. vid chat! work. nap. food. work. here.
tomorrow is more of the same, but i have to go to a speaker and miss work. i need to make up the days i miss of work, but i'm not sure if i can work at the coffee place to  make it up. there's always shifts available, but i don't know how to make any drinks there. i'm not sure who i should ask. i'll figure it out.

i wish i went to church today and last weekend and the weekend before. there's a mass at 10pm, but by the time i get there it will probably be past the first reading and most likely the second. i don't even know where there is. i think it's a chapel, but there are two chapels on campus, i think. there isn't a church though, that i know of. some of my friends go to the nondenominational mass or to mass elsewhere.
i just remembered that i brought the new testament with me that my dad's cousin gave me for graduation, he's a priest.

oh, i found this heart thing on the ground. it's interesting. there are three (fake, i think) diamonds on it. not sure what to do with it. keep it forever? i found it i think the first day of classes? i don't exactly remember. it was definitely the first week.
oh and i'm wearing some silly bandz. a shark, a cactus, and a horse or something which looks like a horse.

i was on someone's shared itunes library and heard this song:
i like it.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 21/22 - Changing the Format!!!!!

forgot to write a blog yesterday, but that's ok.
not much happened. went to class. ate food. went to crew.
i hung out with people last night. it was fun. when i got back to my dorm (long-ish story short) two girls from my floor were stretchered? gurneyed? not sure what the right word is...anyway, yeah off to an ambulance.

today, i woke up for crew super early. had brunch after. then hung out and didn't do a lot.

BUT i've decided to change my blogs, because what i write about is mundane. i don't enjoy looking back and reading what i wrote sometimes, so i need to change that. instead, i'm going to write a small thing about my day, and then if i have thoughts i'll post them. i'm keeping this blog to remember my first year of college. anyway...

so, i've been thinking, i like college better than high school because (among many other reasons):
1. people don't share the same stories all the time! conversations often went like this:
 X:  hahah did you hear the story about [someone's name] in [teacher's name]'s class/[class name]?
Y: yes, i was in that class.
X: [tells story anyway]
Y: i've already heard this before...
that was poorly done, but anyway, the stories were ALWAYS the same, and often times i didn't care because it had nothing to do with me.
real example? ehhh
X: hey did you hear the story about what jared said in ap eng?
Y: yes, i was in that class
X: well, jared said that years ago his family was probably slave owners to other paynes...
Y: yeah, i know. i've already heard this before...
poorly done real example too? yeah, but i didn't want to use the best example in my head.

not doubt i like telling stories of what happened in the day, but when you tell me a story that i know i've heard plenty of times before, happened years ago, and, really, it's not that interesting, i don't want to hear it.

2. i'm not compared to my brothers. ahh, i hated that. we're different people and we are all interested in different things. we're better in different things. don't expect me to be someone i'm not trying to be. it's stupid.
side-note, people here think i'm smarter (i can't think of the right word...) than both of my brothers because holy cross is the best school when comparing on the us news report thing.

i feel as though i'm complaining, which i am, but geeze i got tired of that stuff so fast in high school, but people just can't move on. ...yeah, rereading this just makes me sound terrible...eh
i also feel like i'm bragging, but really, i dont think where you go to school matters as much as what you do with your degree. a degree at iowa can get you to graduate school at columbia -i've seen it happen. so, no i don't care (if it is or isn't true) that holy cross is best.

there are a few more, but i dont feel like typing them. maybe another day...

haha have you heard this?

just spend the last half hour reading about the illuminati...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1oE6yP2yvw skip to 1:00 if you don't want to hear the beginning part. or skip to 4:27 if you don't want to listen to it at all.

oh yeah! i got to vid chat with both KUI and CATHERINE today! it was awesome!!!!!!
i like vid chatting :)

ah i keep thinking of more stuff to write! so, plans for october break fell through. now i'm staying at hocro 8-18, unlike most everyone here. i'll visit you if you tell me when! and how to get there...don't mind going on train, bus, shuttle. i would need a place to crash for the night too.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 20

Today was pretty uneventful.
I had breakfast for once.
I got an omelet, but they put ham in it, so it was not that good.
Then I had a waffle, but I did not spray the waffle machine long enough or everywhere or something, and it stuck to the waffle machine.
It was a pretty bad breakfast...but at least I had it.

Then I tried to study, but I ended up watching PSYCH!!! and I don't really remember what else.
I talked to Catherine.
That was cool.
At 2 I went to class.
It was really interesting.
I enjoyed it.
I talked to a girl in my class and I might do the 24 hour run for cancer thing.
Not exactly sure on the name of the walk/run event.
It's the end of September, so I have plenty of time to decide if I really want to do it, but from what I heard, it's a lot of fun.

I went to rowing at 5, but since it was raining and something (there was another reason, but I don't know it), the coach cancelled practice.
We decided to go up to the athletic center to practice on our own, but the varsity and novice men's team were going to use the ergs and tanks, so it didn't seem to be worth it.

At 6:30 or maybe 7:00 I'm going to get van certified to drive.
I'm not sure if I should, but no one else on our team is, so I am.
It's going to be a little scary driving on the interstate.
It's nothing like I80 in Iowa City...

At 7:30 I have to go to a talk about elm trees?
It sounds fucking boring, because it's going to be a slideshow of trees and a man talking about how he saw all of these trees in New England.
I have to write a page reaction to it, so I have to go.

Greek quiz tomorrow!! I'm not ready :(

It's only 5:45 though, so I have plenty of time.
My roommate's alarm noise in the morning is a song.
I know the song, but I can't think of the song's name...and I want to!
Might shorten this later and edit it...hmmm

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 19

(Catherine-ish style blog, syntax?)
Today went by so fast!!
I had classes per usual.
Nothing terribly interesting.
Greek quiz was alright,
 I think I got them all right!
But, we'll see Friday.

I went and got some chai latte
 (it's my new favorite drink!),
 because I was so cold and hungry
(I got two bagels too).
Then I talked with a girl for about an hour?
Other people joined and left,
 but we stayed the whole time.
I ended up back at my dorm an hour
before the chateau d'wheeler.

I spent that time online and getting dressed and
meeting new people on my floor!!
 My dorm room is pretty much isolated,
people only walk towards my dorm
 if they want to go to the bathroom.
We don't leave our dorm open,
because it doesn't stay open. :(

Anyway, chateau was alright.
 It was soooooo cold and
windy though.
My roommate let me borrow her sweater,
 but it was a cardigan so it wasn't so warm.
The entertainment was good. Mostly singing.
Ummm, so after it was over,
we went and most everyone
put on sweatpants, sweatshirt.
I went to the library for a few hours.
I finished a lot of homework due Friday!!

Hmm, going to study greek vocab
for quiz on friday. might go get a chai latte
at the coffee store.
or just a hot chocolate.
do chai lattes have caffeine?
yeah, the sundown was shining through the window,
and it was blinding so i looked the other way,
but this is/was my dress for chateau.
hard to see-ish, meh... 


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 18

Today was not a terrific day, but it was not terrible either.
I overslept until 1130, so now I have more homework to do tonight than I would have if I had woken up earlier.

I realized in my archaeology class that I am a visual learner. 13 years combined years of elementary, jr high, and high school education did not teach  me that, but after 4 days in my archaeology class, I know I am a visual learner. If I see something and the instructor is talking about it, I can remember what he was talking about and what the picture looks like later. Maybe everyone does that though? I think most of the time in high school, whenever a teacher is using the board, I just chose not to pay attention. I guess that was a poor decision on my part.

I went to crew, but since 11 or 12 or 13 people showed up, I did not get to row. I erg-ed instead. Not as much fun as it could have been, especially since I have my Greek quizzes this week just hanging over my head.

Tomorrow is Chateau d'Wheeler though, which I'm excited for! No dining hall food! Catered meal, I believe. It's semi-formal, so I'll probably wear a dress or skirt or something. Not sure yet, depends on what other people are wearing on my floor.

I've been looking at this photo of my siblings, and I realize I look SOO much like my younger bro (or my younger bro looks SO much like me, since I was born first). But I guess that's what suppose to happen when you're all related...
I'll try to find the picture, but I don't think I have the exact one on my laptop.
I found one from the same series of photos taken, but none of them are as good as the one I have. Probably why it's in a frame, and the others are just sitting on my computer never developed.

 Um, click the photo to enlarge maybe? Idk...
not sure why I just posted a pic of my family either...but that's alright.
heheI just started listening to this song, it's ok:
What do you think?

How fucking great is this song when it just pops up on the radio?
it's too good.

ohh, i forgot! there are these skunks that walk around campus.
they don't harm anyone, they are just there.
it's weird. they're on the steps or in a bush.
but it's cool too. wildlife and what not. i saw a skunk once in wisconsin. or michigan? pretty sure it was wisconsin on a family vacation.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 16/17

Yeah, I missed a day, but whatever...
just my journal.

Sunday I don't remember doing much. I studied A LOT for my Greek quiz which I had today.
It was decent, pretty sure I got them all right except for one of the english translations. meh

Today was ok. I got back my first college essay!! I got um a B/B+ !!! and i get to rewrite it!! I'm so happy :)))))
I worked today, and it was tiring and then i missed the hall meeting.
I got there right as it was ending and it seemed like it was so much fun!
They were playing music and dancing and decorating the hall.
oh, my dad called yesterday. it was funny because he texted me saying "Hi." and i wasnt sure what to say back, and then like 15 minutes later i remembered he texted, and wrote back, "Hey, whats up?" and then he called me about 2 minutes later. didn't talk about  much though.

crew was alright. it was crew. we're going to the boathouse tomorrow though! i'm excited for that!! except that the boat is always unbalanced and people don't know how to correct it, and since i'm in the bow, i feel the unbalanced-ness the most :(

AH who has seen the eminem/rihanna vma performance? it's so good!!!

but it's time to study, so i'll leave with this:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 15

I fucking wasted my day.
woke up at 715 for rowing. it was cool, we went out on the water
then i got back, and i did fucking nothing all day
no shrewberry st, no boston, nothing
sort of just sat around
walked around
got some food
watched football games.
um, yeah.
should have studied.
i have a massive headache
i'm just going to go to sleep even though it's 1045.
i'm tired and my head is pounding. damn
i did get to vid chat with jared some.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 14

went to class at 9 am...very tired, because my roommate's alarm went off at either 7 or 730 and it's so fucking loud!!

yeah, then went to greek, took a quiz, forgot the 3rd person singular middle/passive!! gahhhh
so annoying!
then had psych and since i get tehre like 30 min early because i either get there early or walk to my dorm and walk back, the professor went around and talked to people there. so i talked to him and he's really nice and cool! ..yeah
then i went to get a parcel!! mail is so awesome, but now i have so many boxes...i want to throw them out but i shouldn't.
and then i went to crew practice which was fun. we're doing ab workouts, so just wait until december! hahah.

then, we decided to go take a bus to this shopping center and i ended up getting a few things at target that i forgot. i got some coldstone icecream too, but they messed up my order. i wanted strawberry icecream, but i got maple apple or something ridiculous. i didn't tell them though, it wasn't too bad, just not what i wanted. i didn't have dinner, so it was a nice treat.
then we got back to campus, and hung out a bit and some places. at 10 there was karaoke! me and a group of girls went up and sung can't buy me love!! it was fun!
i ended up winning Date Night, but i've already seen it. the prize i really wanted was the shake weight :( lol
i got the same food as the other night, blt on wheat this time! and a lemon ice tea, not pomegranate. and a bag of chips!
yup, day has been fun.
tomorrow i have crew at 8, meeting team for breakfast at 730 maybe, so i have to wake up around 715, 720. we'll see how it goes.

oh yeah, i got this awesome smoothie today! it was mango, passionfruit, some other stuff, and some healthy stuff thrown in!!
yeah, it was chilly so i'm wearing a jacket! it's pretty comfy,
but not as comfy as my hoodie (which i'm wearing now)!
and my roommate's desk is in the background.

sung this song:
if you didn't know can't buy me love...
that would be a little sad, but i shouldn't judge. 

HAve a great day!!!!!! 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

late night...

I have a problem how I do write v how I should actually write.
I don't write freely when I write essays. I write how i think i should write and it sounds terrible, but i can't stop myself.

i'm a terrible writer.
this essay i've is terrible
i'm thirsty.
there's no water fountain on my floor
i don't have access to other floors.
i'm tired.
time to sleep
i have 1.5 between my last class and the time this paper is due.
i hope i can finish it.
i also hope i do well on my greek quiz.
i haven't studied nearly enough as i should have
but i think i know it somewhat.
i can't fall behind on the second quiz!

Day 13

Gah so I started this blog earlier today so that I wouldn't have to write as much tonight, but I closed the tab...

Anyway, I woke up this morning at 730, then 830, then finally at 945. I forced myself to sleep until 945, because my mom sent me some articles about how college students should get at least 8 hours of sleep.
Then, I finally got to watch Psych!!!! IT was so exciting! While watching PSYCH I made oatmeal, and since it was so good the first time, I made it again...but I either put in too much water or microwaved it too long, and it ended up tasting like paper bowl. :(

Then I tried to do work, but I just couldn't. This paper is going to be terrible, and I know it's going to be terrible which sucks because it's my first college paper...but I have nothing to write about. I marked every page that could be useful. Picked out some quotes, but I can answer the question! GRMH!

I went to class at 2, didn't understand what the professor was talking about mostly. BUT now I know how to identify Protogeometric, Early/Middle Geometric, and Late Geometric artifacts. That's pretty cool!!

Afterwards, I got ready for crew. We had a swim test today BUT I forgot my swimsuit at home, so I ended up wearing tshirt and board shorts. I turned out to be the only one who forgot a swimsuit, but that was alright. I didn't mind. Then we had practice until 545!
I worked from 630-820 (it's suppose to be until 9, but the salad place closes at 8 so I get off early, but I don't get paid for the extra hour... :( )
I was so hungry I got some food:

Yup, I got a BLT wrap on white (they didn't have wheat wraps left, very disappointed), some chips, and a Red Tea because there's pomegranate and passion fruit in it!!! 
The red tea is pretty good, but probably will continue to get lemon tea. it tastes better. 
And i'm wearing my NYU shirt! haha...idk...just a shirt. 

I'm going to go work on my paper! I hate this paper...and then study for a greek quiz tomorrow over present active indicative and present middle/passive indicative verb forms

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 12

There was a thunderstorm last night! It woke me up at 730...but I got back to sleep and woke up at 830 for my 900 class. Class was alright, but I have a paper due Friday. :(
Then I went to Greek, and then Psych. I got my quiz back in Greek and we took a (pop) quiz in Psych. Both of them I got 100%! I guess I'm starting college off right...but it's not like those quiz scores will actually affect my grade. They make me feel good though. :)

Later, I went to crew practice. My legs hurt so much from walking around campus (it's one huge hill called mt. st james...so I guess it's a mountain?) and from practice. After crew (and taking a shower), I went to dinner. Didn't go to the dining hall, but to the place where I work and ordered a salad. It was really good but there was way too much dressing. Then we went to the club fair. I signed up for so many clubs. 

CAB (they get all the events on campus), SGA (basically student senate but it actually works), Ultimate!, Oxfam, Spring Break Immersion (going on trips to help people), and a few others!!!

The clubs handed out free stuff, like pens, stickers, cups, bags...but I couldn't take a picture of those. I got another parcel in the mail! Full of clothes that I forgot and scissors/tape.

I'm hungry, but I just ate 1.5 hours ago...I don't want to eat. Dilemma

Anyway, anyone listen to this in jr high? My bro's friend would play the cd all the time on the way to school, so I basically know the lyrics to their first cd by heart.
Pretty good!!
In retrospect, probably shouldn't have been listening to this music in jr high.
ohh or this one
actually, i think this was my favorite. i remember mouthing the words to the song...you didn't need to know that, but it's my blog so whatever!
anyway, HAVE A GREAT DAY!!! idk...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 11

Today, I woke up at 9:40!!! I slept in...but i shouldn't have. 
I had so much work to do, and I still do...

I thought I had done the homework for my Classical Archaeology class, but it turned out that I missed a whole chapter. It was alright though. The professor didn't call on me, and he mostly just went through everything in the chapter. 
After that, I went and picked up two parcels (I get emails saying "you've received a parcel"). Anyway, I got my comforter! And a present from JARED!!! Some silly bandz from UMiami!!!

Check em out: 
The container even has an official collegiate sticker on them! Sweet!! THANK YOU JARED!! :) I'll get you something...eventually :P

(sorry, catherine, if jared got you some too, and now you know what it is, before you got the package :( ) 

I went to crew practice! Still don't know if i'm going to join... work study will get in the way i think. I also haven't paid the $65 for NCAA approval or something... 
I also don't know if I want to row or be a coxswain. The coach said I could be pretty good at rowing, but I want to cox...but the other coxswains are much shorter than me! I weigh less than some though....hmmm :P

For dinner I had shrimp!! It was really good! Sort of how Catherine's mom makes it (not that anyone but catherine, her mom, jared, and jamie would know...maybe other people too?), but not as good. Last week there were mussels!! But i didn't get them, because the line was so long!

Anyway, time to study/ do work!

ah this song is too good!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVCCjSGcnZE
"Baby loves to dance in the dark/ ‘Cuz when he’s lookin’/She falls apart/ Baby loves to dance in the dark"
Who doesn't love to just dance?!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 2!

Started second week of school. Fun stuff!!
Had my Monterrat, mostly just talked about the book. It felt like a short 50 minutes, so I guess that's good!
Then went to Greek. Had a quiz, pretty sure got them all right. I guess I'll see on Wed though. I think I'm going to stick with it, even though learning it is impossibly difficult. I'm just going to have to devote so much time to it! 

Went to the movie sale after that. Got Saw V (scary movie marathon anyone? Graham? Steve?) and Footloose I think. They were cheap, so why not? I bet I'll watch them more than once, and if not, I can give them away as a gift instead of watching. Then went to the poster sale. There were so many posters!!! But I didn't get any. My walls are bare, but I don't mind. 

Ummmm... went back to room, look at my email... and I got a parcel!! 
Turns out it was full of food from my mom!! 
Chips, cookies, Luna bars?, other bars! delicious!! ...I already ate a bag of chips :/
I read for about an hour, slept for 2 hours, read for another hour, then went to work.
I made sandwiches and subs and wraps and pizza for 3 hours! It actually wasn't too bad...and I get paid. Got off of work at 10. 
Yeah, pretty much my day. 

there's a weird video for you...i remember thinking it was funny the first time I saw it. but now a month later, it's sort of just weird.

too good!! "Sensitive thugs, y'all need hugs"

Sunday, September 5, 2010

...and some more.

so I had some more thoughts that I thought I should write down...
recently I've been comparing how good HoCro is to other universities/ lib arts colleges on US news report since Jared was talking about something related to how miami is compared to other schools. and then we looked on us news report and anyway, i noticed that HC is better than NYU? HC is two scores less than macalaster, but 6 ranks away. 
and wesleyan is one score above brown. weird...
there was some other stuff that i forgot, but really, none of it matters. it matters what you end up doing with your degree, although degrees from some schools can get you farther than others. 

oh and i really want to watch Psych!!!
I've been watching these:
Scene 1,2,3 for Shawn 2.0 and then
Scene 1,2,3 for One, Maybe Two Ways Out
and i really miss watching the show Wed night! I can't wait until Thurs to see Shawn 2.0

and i'm missing True Blood!!!! but, i can watch it in december because it stays on the hbo on demand thing for a while. speaking of december, i'm not sure when i'm going back to IC! I won't be back for thanksgiving or the october 10-day break (!!!!!!!!!!) I have...and my  bro graduates in december so I might be staying in NY for a while or leaving early in jan instead of staying until the 20th? all plans are tentative.

oh, i doubt i'll keep having my blogs go to buzz. probably the one before this will be the last one, or not...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I just got back from dinner, and it was decent. Instead of going to the dining hall, like usual, I went to Crossroads which is like a grill type thing. They serve sandwiches, pizza, burgers, salads, yogurt, and other quality food that is brand name rather than tubs of food in the dining hall. I got a burger which was good for what it was.
I went on a run before that with the "crewbies" as our coach calls us. I'm soo out of shape, but I guess that's why I'm running!
I'm not sure if I'm going to end up doing crew, because I also have work study. I guess I'll figure it out within the next few weeks. Apparently it's not time consuming until the spring when we have practices five times a week and then compete on the weekends.

I have so much work to do! I don't fucking understand Greek no matter how long I study it. I regret signing up for it, but the pay off will be worth it. I thought archaeology would be much more interesting than it has been so far, but I've only had the class one day. My seminar is alright. I finished what I'm suppose to read for homework, but I can't seem to get a good paper idea out of it! I still have 1/3 left of the book, though, so I have plenty of time to solve that problem.

Me with the book I'm reading...no point to this photo really,  but I wanted to take it. :P

I still haven't finished making my dorm room comfortable. I can't figure out where to put this frame:

Yeah, that's the picture frame. Catherine put it together a few days before I left. I changed the bottom right photo from one of C, Jam, A from far away to the one that's currently in it. I thought I should add a picture of Jar and Son to the frame, even if it's a bit old. Anyway, the frame fits no where! I don't want to put a nail in the wall either! :(

Probably going to make this blog writing thing a daily thing, but the posts will definitely get shorter...probably going to include at least one photo and maybe a song...here's today's song: 
how are you not pumped up after listening to this song? I can do anything!! haha...can't do greek :(
this song is pretty old anyway pop music wise. I listened to JB all day, so I had to pick something that wasn't JB. 
I have more I could write about last night/today, but it's probably not worth it, and it would make this post so much longer. Not like any of this is truly worth it, but it will help my writing skills which no doubt need to improve. 

P.S. pretty sure my roommate laughed, then wrote to her friends on fb about me taking photos of myself. what's new?

After writing JB, I had to go look up a JB song to put in this post...made it Down to Earth because that song makes me sad every time I listen to it...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7Gy-DQ4Xm0 (starts around :35)
"so far away and I just need you here" it's like he's singing about college (except it's about a relationship)! ambiguous "you"? although, I don't really need anyone here...so idk...talking online is pretty good. I miss having fun hanging out at people's houses though...or, you know, singing to JB in the car!
Oh and who doesn't love the amount of Silly Bandz on some of those girl's arms? wait! those aren't silly bandz...is there a new trend? 
How great are the JB pics at the end? hahahahh

By the time I'm 21 I will have gone to a concert at MSG! I SWEAR IT! Who else wants to go? 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I did not realize it was the 4th. I thought it was the 2nd...time has passed quickly. At least it's only Saturday.
Anyway, I don't feel like writing a blog, but I will post some pictures if I can figure out how... 
This photos are out of order, but that's alright. You can see my roommate's stuff in the background. Here's me in my Sader Nation shirt to show off my Ho Cro football spirit!! We won today, 37-7 I think.

This was suppose to be a picture of me decked out in some HoCro stuff, but it turned out a bit blurry...I have on my work hat and my shirt and my lanyard ($7, but we also got a free one at orientation). Ahhhh where did my arm go?!

So this is suppose to show how I am darker on my left side than my right, so I'm pointing there...but it didn't turn up as well as I thought. Worth a shot...and you get a photo of me!!!

Anyway, I'll try to get photos of the dorm up later, but there's a Jersey Shore party thing going on so I think I might drop by and check it out. It's sponsored by my dorm too. 
I should probably study more though... we'll see how it goes.

Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLDCq9A5Fyo so very necessary...

C [Em]: RENEGADE! Never been afraid to say
what's on my mind at, any given time of day
Cause I'm a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talk about anything 

C:  anything! 
A[Jay]: Never been afraid to say
what's on my mind at, any given time of day
Cause I'm a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to holler
about anything

C: anything? 
A: Anything!

yeah, might have messed that up...but very cool!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First day of classes went really well. My seminar is nice. The teacher is funny and better than expected. I, surprisingly, talk the most in the class so far. But there's plenty of time and we're discussing a book tomorrow, so I doubt I will be for long...I have no thoughts on books...

My Greek class was interesting. It was filled with Classics majors which is to be expected. I have to memorize the alphabet and the uppercase/lowercase of the letters and words that use the letters. It's really difficult.

My psych class is filled with people! There's 102 I think. I'm positive it's the biggest class right now out of all of the classes here. The teacher is really funny and I've learned some stuff, but most of it was review from high school.

Today,  I had my archaeology class. The teacher is so interesting and I think I will really enjoy this class. I have always liked art and art history. Now I'll be able to identify artifacts based on details. I'm really excited!

I also worked today. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I worked in a salad shop, so I made salads, chopped them up, and then put dressing on them. Sometimes I made wraps. I learned a lot, but I heard the best and most interesting place to work is in the coffee place, so I might try to get a job there next semester.
The amount of homework is more horrendous than I originally anticipated. I will, for sure, make it through, if only I can stay off the internet long enough to do work. I have a lot due tomorrow that I still haven't done, but it's only 920.
I had a few more things to say, but I've forgotten them.
Who's watching Jersey Shore right now?!?!?!?