Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 18

Today was not a terrific day, but it was not terrible either.
I overslept until 1130, so now I have more homework to do tonight than I would have if I had woken up earlier.

I realized in my archaeology class that I am a visual learner. 13 years combined years of elementary, jr high, and high school education did not teach  me that, but after 4 days in my archaeology class, I know I am a visual learner. If I see something and the instructor is talking about it, I can remember what he was talking about and what the picture looks like later. Maybe everyone does that though? I think most of the time in high school, whenever a teacher is using the board, I just chose not to pay attention. I guess that was a poor decision on my part.

I went to crew, but since 11 or 12 or 13 people showed up, I did not get to row. I erg-ed instead. Not as much fun as it could have been, especially since I have my Greek quizzes this week just hanging over my head.

Tomorrow is Chateau d'Wheeler though, which I'm excited for! No dining hall food! Catered meal, I believe. It's semi-formal, so I'll probably wear a dress or skirt or something. Not sure yet, depends on what other people are wearing on my floor.

I've been looking at this photo of my siblings, and I realize I look SOO much like my younger bro (or my younger bro looks SO much like me, since I was born first). But I guess that's what suppose to happen when you're all related...
I'll try to find the picture, but I don't think I have the exact one on my laptop.
I found one from the same series of photos taken, but none of them are as good as the one I have. Probably why it's in a frame, and the others are just sitting on my computer never developed.

 Um, click the photo to enlarge maybe? Idk...
not sure why I just posted a pic of my family either...but that's alright.
heheI just started listening to this song, it's ok:
What do you think?

How fucking great is this song when it just pops up on the radio?
it's too good.

ohh, i forgot! there are these skunks that walk around campus.
they don't harm anyone, they are just there.
it's weird. they're on the steps or in a bush.
but it's cool too. wildlife and what not. i saw a skunk once in wisconsin. or michigan? pretty sure it was wisconsin on a family vacation.

1 comment:

  1. skunks? skunks are soo cute.
    except when they do bad things.
    will watch vids later.
