Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 16/17

Yeah, I missed a day, but whatever...
just my journal.

Sunday I don't remember doing much. I studied A LOT for my Greek quiz which I had today.
It was decent, pretty sure I got them all right except for one of the english translations. meh

Today was ok. I got back my first college essay!! I got um a B/B+ !!! and i get to rewrite it!! I'm so happy :)))))
I worked today, and it was tiring and then i missed the hall meeting.
I got there right as it was ending and it seemed like it was so much fun!
They were playing music and dancing and decorating the hall.
oh, my dad called yesterday. it was funny because he texted me saying "Hi." and i wasnt sure what to say back, and then like 15 minutes later i remembered he texted, and wrote back, "Hey, whats up?" and then he called me about 2 minutes later. didn't talk about  much though.

crew was alright. it was crew. we're going to the boathouse tomorrow though! i'm excited for that!! except that the boat is always unbalanced and people don't know how to correct it, and since i'm in the bow, i feel the unbalanced-ness the most :(

AH who has seen the eminem/rihanna vma performance? it's so good!!!

but it's time to study, so i'll leave with this:


  1. your dad's funny lol. btw, i always wondered how rowing could be a sport...suppose it is. ahh this song is so cool!!!

  2. hahah yeah rowing is a pretty intense sport once you get to varsity level.
    it's in the olympics!
    are you in california yet? have i already asked you that and then forgot what you said? maybe....
