Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 25

wow approaching a month here.
scary thought. sort of.
though it feels like i've been here forever, so not that scary.

woke up at 10 today, maybe 11? all i remember is wasting an hour, and then going to get a smoothie and then reading for about 1.5 hours. then going to class, then crew, then um here. took a shower. hah idk
missed glee, but that's ok. writing paper instead.
i have greek due tomorrow, per usual.
i also have psychology, but i'm not sure if i'm going to do the work, because i think i did it last week. i think i'm ahead in that class. it's a pretty easy class because of neuzil's class!!

hmm i don't have a thought today. i could force thoughts. i shouldn't though. i shouldn't have a thought section everyday either.
meh, i just made myself think of one:
this week is alcohol awareness week. i think it's pretty stupid to drink just to get drunk.
i dont mind when people party and drink, but getting completely wasted is stupid.
and driving when you had alcohol is even more stupid. i have no respect for people who do that.
but shit happens.

took a quick pic, just ate some peanut butter, so i still have the spoon. mmmmmm
ohhh french music.
haha, sort of.
listen to other songs by Air. they're pretty good and calming. sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. miss glee? I didn't know it premiered today until I saw a fb status
    that said, tired of all the glee was great posts, or something like
    that. yeah, people on my hall drink to get drunk. it's odd.
    no thought =(. a month! so much time! agh!
