Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 11

Today, I woke up at 9:40!!! I slept in...but i shouldn't have. 
I had so much work to do, and I still do...

I thought I had done the homework for my Classical Archaeology class, but it turned out that I missed a whole chapter. It was alright though. The professor didn't call on me, and he mostly just went through everything in the chapter. 
After that, I went and picked up two parcels (I get emails saying "you've received a parcel"). Anyway, I got my comforter! And a present from JARED!!! Some silly bandz from UMiami!!!

Check em out: 
The container even has an official collegiate sticker on them! Sweet!! THANK YOU JARED!! :) I'll get you something...eventually :P

(sorry, catherine, if jared got you some too, and now you know what it is, before you got the package :( ) 

I went to crew practice! Still don't know if i'm going to join... work study will get in the way i think. I also haven't paid the $65 for NCAA approval or something... 
I also don't know if I want to row or be a coxswain. The coach said I could be pretty good at rowing, but I want to cox...but the other coxswains are much shorter than me! I weigh less than some though....hmmm :P

For dinner I had shrimp!! It was really good! Sort of how Catherine's mom makes it (not that anyone but catherine, her mom, jared, and jamie would know...maybe other people too?), but not as good. Last week there were mussels!! But i didn't get them, because the line was so long!

Anyway, time to study/ do work!

ah this song is too good!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVCCjSGcnZE
"Baby loves to dance in the dark/ ‘Cuz when he’s lookin’/She falls apart/ Baby loves to dance in the dark"
Who doesn't love to just dance?!


  1. that's cool!
    I think Graham and Steve would know.
    Isn't that song not exactly about dancing...?
    dancing is really fun though =)!

  2. haha yeah, it's not...but i like to think it is.
    it's actually a pretty sad song :(
