Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 21/22 - Changing the Format!!!!!

forgot to write a blog yesterday, but that's ok.
not much happened. went to class. ate food. went to crew.
i hung out with people last night. it was fun. when i got back to my dorm (long-ish story short) two girls from my floor were stretchered? gurneyed? not sure what the right word is...anyway, yeah off to an ambulance.

today, i woke up for crew super early. had brunch after. then hung out and didn't do a lot.

BUT i've decided to change my blogs, because what i write about is mundane. i don't enjoy looking back and reading what i wrote sometimes, so i need to change that. instead, i'm going to write a small thing about my day, and then if i have thoughts i'll post them. i'm keeping this blog to remember my first year of college. anyway...

so, i've been thinking, i like college better than high school because (among many other reasons):
1. people don't share the same stories all the time! conversations often went like this:
 X:  hahah did you hear the story about [someone's name] in [teacher's name]'s class/[class name]?
Y: yes, i was in that class.
X: [tells story anyway]
Y: i've already heard this before...
that was poorly done, but anyway, the stories were ALWAYS the same, and often times i didn't care because it had nothing to do with me.
real example? ehhh
X: hey did you hear the story about what jared said in ap eng?
Y: yes, i was in that class
X: well, jared said that years ago his family was probably slave owners to other paynes...
Y: yeah, i know. i've already heard this before...
poorly done real example too? yeah, but i didn't want to use the best example in my head.

not doubt i like telling stories of what happened in the day, but when you tell me a story that i know i've heard plenty of times before, happened years ago, and, really, it's not that interesting, i don't want to hear it.

2. i'm not compared to my brothers. ahh, i hated that. we're different people and we are all interested in different things. we're better in different things. don't expect me to be someone i'm not trying to be. it's stupid.
side-note, people here think i'm smarter (i can't think of the right word...) than both of my brothers because holy cross is the best school when comparing on the us news report thing.

i feel as though i'm complaining, which i am, but geeze i got tired of that stuff so fast in high school, but people just can't move on. ...yeah, rereading this just makes me sound
i also feel like i'm bragging, but really, i dont think where you go to school matters as much as what you do with your degree. a degree at iowa can get you to graduate school at columbia -i've seen it happen. so, no i don't care (if it is or isn't true) that holy cross is best.

there are a few more, but i dont feel like typing them. maybe another day...

haha have you heard this?

just spend the last half hour reading about the illuminati... skip to 1:00 if you don't want to hear the beginning part. or skip to 4:27 if you don't want to listen to it at all.

oh yeah! i got to vid chat with both KUI and CATHERINE today! it was awesome!!!!!!
i like vid chatting :)

ah i keep thinking of more stuff to write! so, plans for october break fell through. now i'm staying at hocro 8-18, unlike most everyone here. i'll visit you if you tell me when! and how to get there...don't mind going on train, bus, shuttle. i would need a place to crash for the night too.


  1. in the day? that is now "in the day"? hahaha.
    people there? think you're smarter than your brothers?
    but they've never met them? alright, cool.
    agh, my skype just made a fucking weird noise.
    come visit me!!!!!!!!!!

  2. hahahahahahahaha
    that's not what i meant.
    hah i meant i like talking to people about what happened during my day. what happened today.

    um smart isn't the right word though.
    it was based on what college we go to? yeah.
