Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 28

Realized this week was super boring, but that's ok. that happens sometimes.
i'm going to sleep early tonight because crew practice is at 7am :( i'm rowing 6 seat, should be interesting. today i was 4, and it sucked. usually i'm bow, so i'm not used to being port, or so up front.

i might take a work shift from 12-4, but i dont know if i want to do that. that's four hours of working.
i didn't get a paycheck this week! what happened?? I have to go talk to the people tomorrow after i look in my mailbox once more.

hmm, oh on the way back from dinner, we saw a skunk! and right before we saw the skunk, i was talking about how i saw one a few days ago. and the people with me said that it could have had rabies since it was out during the day! that's scary!
rabid fox? rabid skunks? on campus!
anyway, i ended up basically running back to my dorm. i kept on thinking about rabies. i did run into a girl i knew, so i talked to her for a while. running is so cool! while i was running, i thought of how catherine says she runs everywhere, but while i was running i was wondering if the people in the cars thought i was weird.

um, i think i'll do some work and then fall asleep. my roommate went out to a frisbee party! i'm soooooooo tired.
i'm that man on the moon and imma do what i do.


  1. ahhh rabies!!
    scary. very scary. how do you fix rabies?
    running IS so cool. ran more today.
    it was good. and it's practical!

  2. haha um fix rabies with rabies vaccination at least a certain number of days after you get bitten.
    my uncle actually got the rabies shot after he was bitten by a dog. they never knew if it was rabid though, but it was attacking. apparently the shot is really painful.
