Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First day of classes went really well. My seminar is nice. The teacher is funny and better than expected. I, surprisingly, talk the most in the class so far. But there's plenty of time and we're discussing a book tomorrow, so I doubt I will be for long...I have no thoughts on books...

My Greek class was interesting. It was filled with Classics majors which is to be expected. I have to memorize the alphabet and the uppercase/lowercase of the letters and words that use the letters. It's really difficult.

My psych class is filled with people! There's 102 I think. I'm positive it's the biggest class right now out of all of the classes here. The teacher is really funny and I've learned some stuff, but most of it was review from high school.

Today,  I had my archaeology class. The teacher is so interesting and I think I will really enjoy this class. I have always liked art and art history. Now I'll be able to identify artifacts based on details. I'm really excited!

I also worked today. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I worked in a salad shop, so I made salads, chopped them up, and then put dressing on them. Sometimes I made wraps. I learned a lot, but I heard the best and most interesting place to work is in the coffee place, so I might try to get a job there next semester.
The amount of homework is more horrendous than I originally anticipated. I will, for sure, make it through, if only I can stay off the internet long enough to do work. I have a lot due tomorrow that I still haven't done, but it's only 920.
I had a few more things to say, but I've forgotten them.
Who's watching Jersey Shore right now?!?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. really? that's cooL that you talk the most!
    Maybe I'll talk more.
    102? seems like a lot!
    perhaps you've found something
    you can major in! archaeology! ha.
    Salad shop? That's great, interesting.
    More horrendous? yuck.
