Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 23

erm, so I don't like how the last blog ended up. I sounded whiny, arrogant, and annoyed at the world, and i probably was. I have so much work! when i talk to other people, they don't seem to have as much work. but i'm not really sure. i was working on greek earlier, and i got so frustrated with it, that i stood up and kicked my chair. poor decision, but i needed to get out my frustration with it. i don't understand why i can't just get it. sigh.
i feel as though even if i work to be ahead, i still will be behind. which doesn't make sense, but it sort of does.

anyway, today was the same. crew. eat. vid chat! work. nap. food. work. here.
tomorrow is more of the same, but i have to go to a speaker and miss work. i need to make up the days i miss of work, but i'm not sure if i can work at the coffee place to  make it up. there's always shifts available, but i don't know how to make any drinks there. i'm not sure who i should ask. i'll figure it out.

i wish i went to church today and last weekend and the weekend before. there's a mass at 10pm, but by the time i get there it will probably be past the first reading and most likely the second. i don't even know where there is. i think it's a chapel, but there are two chapels on campus, i think. there isn't a church though, that i know of. some of my friends go to the nondenominational mass or to mass elsewhere.
i just remembered that i brought the new testament with me that my dad's cousin gave me for graduation, he's a priest.

oh, i found this heart thing on the ground. it's interesting. there are three (fake, i think) diamonds on it. not sure what to do with it. keep it forever? i found it i think the first day of classes? i don't exactly remember. it was definitely the first week.
oh and i'm wearing some silly bandz. a shark, a cactus, and a horse or something which looks like a horse.

i was on someone's shared itunes library and heard this song:
i like it.



  1. the cactus!?
    does it glow in the dark?
    is the heart thing nice?

  2. yeah the cactus! i found silly bandz in my backpack and put them on.
    except not the canoe one, because it was too big.
    i think it's the same cactus you wear. which is cool.

    the heart thing is worn, but it's nice. maybe i can make it into a necklace. hmmm need to get a chain for it then.
