Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I just got back from dinner, and it was decent. Instead of going to the dining hall, like usual, I went to Crossroads which is like a grill type thing. They serve sandwiches, pizza, burgers, salads, yogurt, and other quality food that is brand name rather than tubs of food in the dining hall. I got a burger which was good for what it was.
I went on a run before that with the "crewbies" as our coach calls us. I'm soo out of shape, but I guess that's why I'm running!
I'm not sure if I'm going to end up doing crew, because I also have work study. I guess I'll figure it out within the next few weeks. Apparently it's not time consuming until the spring when we have practices five times a week and then compete on the weekends.

I have so much work to do! I don't fucking understand Greek no matter how long I study it. I regret signing up for it, but the pay off will be worth it. I thought archaeology would be much more interesting than it has been so far, but I've only had the class one day. My seminar is alright. I finished what I'm suppose to read for homework, but I can't seem to get a good paper idea out of it! I still have 1/3 left of the book, though, so I have plenty of time to solve that problem.

Me with the book I'm point to this photo really,  but I wanted to take it. :P

I still haven't finished making my dorm room comfortable. I can't figure out where to put this frame:

Yeah, that's the picture frame. Catherine put it together a few days before I left. I changed the bottom right photo from one of C, Jam, A from far away to the one that's currently in it. I thought I should add a picture of Jar and Son to the frame, even if it's a bit old. Anyway, the frame fits no where! I don't want to put a nail in the wall either! :(

Probably going to make this blog writing thing a daily thing, but the posts will definitely get shorter...probably going to include at least one photo and maybe a's today's song: 
how are you not pumped up after listening to this song? I can do anything!! haha...can't do greek :(
this song is pretty old anyway pop music wise. I listened to JB all day, so I had to pick something that wasn't JB. 
I have more I could write about last night/today, but it's probably not worth it, and it would make this post so much longer. Not like any of this is truly worth it, but it will help my writing skills which no doubt need to improve. 

P.S. pretty sure my roommate laughed, then wrote to her friends on fb about me taking photos of myself. what's new?

After writing JB, I had to go look up a JB song to put in this post...made it Down to Earth because that song makes me sad every time I listen to it... (starts around :35)
"so far away and I just need you here" it's like he's singing about college (except it's about a relationship)! ambiguous "you"? although, I don't really need anyone idk...talking online is pretty good. I miss having fun hanging out at people's houses though...or, you know, singing to JB in the car!
Oh and who doesn't love the amount of Silly Bandz on some of those girl's arms? wait! those aren't silly there a new trend? 
How great are the JB pics at the end? hahahahh

By the time I'm 21 I will have gone to a concert at MSG! I SWEAR IT! Who else wants to go? 


  1. you sound kind of hyper in the post lolz. just added your blog to greader, it's going to so convenient. college going well? I still haven't left feels weird!

  2. hahah i'm definitely less hyper in college...
    college is alright! much more difficult than i expected!
    too bad we didn't get to meet up this summer :( maybe we can in december?!
