Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 19

(Catherine-ish style blog, syntax?)
Today went by so fast!!
I had classes per usual.
Nothing terribly interesting.
Greek quiz was alright,
 I think I got them all right!
But, we'll see Friday.

I went and got some chai latte
 (it's my new favorite drink!),
 because I was so cold and hungry
(I got two bagels too).
Then I talked with a girl for about an hour?
Other people joined and left,
 but we stayed the whole time.
I ended up back at my dorm an hour
before the chateau d'wheeler.

I spent that time online and getting dressed and
meeting new people on my floor!!
 My dorm room is pretty much isolated,
people only walk towards my dorm
 if they want to go to the bathroom.
We don't leave our dorm open,
because it doesn't stay open. :(

Anyway, chateau was alright.
 It was soooooo cold and
windy though.
My roommate let me borrow her sweater,
 but it was a cardigan so it wasn't so warm.
The entertainment was good. Mostly singing.
Ummm, so after it was over,
we went and most everyone
put on sweatpants, sweatshirt.
I went to the library for a few hours.
I finished a lot of homework due Friday!!

Hmm, going to study greek vocab
for quiz on friday. might go get a chai latte
at the coffee store.
or just a hot chocolate.
do chai lattes have caffeine?
yeah, the sundown was shining through the window,
and it was blinding so i looked the other way,
but this is/was my dress for chateau.
hard to see-ish, meh...

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