Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 13

Gah so I started this blog earlier today so that I wouldn't have to write as much tonight, but I closed the tab...

Anyway, I woke up this morning at 730, then 830, then finally at 945. I forced myself to sleep until 945, because my mom sent me some articles about how college students should get at least 8 hours of sleep.
Then, I finally got to watch Psych!!!! IT was so exciting! While watching PSYCH I made oatmeal, and since it was so good the first time, I made it again...but I either put in too much water or microwaved it too long, and it ended up tasting like paper bowl. :(

Then I tried to do work, but I just couldn't. This paper is going to be terrible, and I know it's going to be terrible which sucks because it's my first college paper...but I have nothing to write about. I marked every page that could be useful. Picked out some quotes, but I can answer the question! GRMH!

I went to class at 2, didn't understand what the professor was talking about mostly. BUT now I know how to identify Protogeometric, Early/Middle Geometric, and Late Geometric artifacts. That's pretty cool!!

Afterwards, I got ready for crew. We had a swim test today BUT I forgot my swimsuit at home, so I ended up wearing tshirt and board shorts. I turned out to be the only one who forgot a swimsuit, but that was alright. I didn't mind. Then we had practice until 545!
I worked from 630-820 (it's suppose to be until 9, but the salad place closes at 8 so I get off early, but I don't get paid for the extra hour... :( )
I was so hungry I got some food:

Yup, I got a BLT wrap on white (they didn't have wheat wraps left, very disappointed), some chips, and a Red Tea because there's pomegranate and passion fruit in it!!! 
The red tea is pretty good, but probably will continue to get lemon tea. it tastes better. 
And i'm wearing my NYU shirt! haha...idk...just a shirt. 

I'm going to go work on my paper! I hate this paper...and then study for a greek quiz tomorrow over present active indicative and present middle/passive indicative verb forms

1 comment:

  1. I also have a paper to write that I'm sure I will hate :(
