Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 20

Today was pretty uneventful.
I had breakfast for once.
I got an omelet, but they put ham in it, so it was not that good.
Then I had a waffle, but I did not spray the waffle machine long enough or everywhere or something, and it stuck to the waffle machine.
It was a pretty bad breakfast...but at least I had it.

Then I tried to study, but I ended up watching PSYCH!!! and I don't really remember what else.
I talked to Catherine.
That was cool.
At 2 I went to class.
It was really interesting.
I enjoyed it.
I talked to a girl in my class and I might do the 24 hour run for cancer thing.
Not exactly sure on the name of the walk/run event.
It's the end of September, so I have plenty of time to decide if I really want to do it, but from what I heard, it's a lot of fun.

I went to rowing at 5, but since it was raining and something (there was another reason, but I don't know it), the coach cancelled practice.
We decided to go up to the athletic center to practice on our own, but the varsity and novice men's team were going to use the ergs and tanks, so it didn't seem to be worth it.

At 6:30 or maybe 7:00 I'm going to get van certified to drive.
I'm not sure if I should, but no one else on our team is, so I am.
It's going to be a little scary driving on the interstate.
It's nothing like I80 in Iowa City...

At 7:30 I have to go to a talk about elm trees?
It sounds fucking boring, because it's going to be a slideshow of trees and a man talking about how he saw all of these trees in New England.
I have to write a page reaction to it, so I have to go.

Greek quiz tomorrow!! I'm not ready :(

It's only 5:45 though, so I have plenty of time.
My roommate's alarm noise in the morning is a song.
I know the song, but I can't think of the song's name...and I want to!
Might shorten this later and edit it...hmmm

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