Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 32

Today wasn't exciting.
It was raining all day, but it was enjoyable. I used my umbrella!!
Thursday I have my first test. It's in archaeology and it's a slide exam. He'll show us a picture on the projector thing and we have to identify it and say some stuff about it. it seems really difficult.

Next wed i have my psych test and on fri i have my greek test!
I'm really nervous about the greek test. psych not so much, but i still think it will be hard.
i JUST turned in my montserrat paper. It wasn't too bad.
on a great note:
I GOT A 97 on my first paper!!! well, see, in montserrat it's suppose to teach you to discuss/participate and get you better at writing. so we got to rewrite this essay.
most of the points i missed were from grammar.
Here's a photo of the 99 (it's in two grades, one for content and structure and another for grammar)
don't know if you can see  it that well though.

ummm crew was alrgiht. it was in the tanks because it was raining too much.
i figured out why i didn't get my pay check. some problem with the system. i'll get one in two weeks i think? something ridiculous.

oh yeah, i got two parcels today! one from my mom!!! full of food and clothes! which i definitely needed. i can put off laundry for a few more days because i got some more of my jeans! and some sweatpants!!

and the second parcel was from macys. hmm,  spending money when i shouldn't be :(

gonna go study and read now.

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