Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I did not realize it was the 4th. I thought it was the 2nd...time has passed quickly. At least it's only Saturday.
Anyway, I don't feel like writing a blog, but I will post some pictures if I can figure out how... 
This photos are out of order, but that's alright. You can see my roommate's stuff in the background. Here's me in my Sader Nation shirt to show off my Ho Cro football spirit!! We won today, 37-7 I think.

This was suppose to be a picture of me decked out in some HoCro stuff, but it turned out a bit blurry...I have on my work hat and my shirt and my lanyard ($7, but we also got a free one at orientation). Ahhhh where did my arm go?!

So this is suppose to show how I am darker on my left side than my right, so I'm pointing there...but it didn't turn up as well as I thought. Worth a shot...and you get a photo of me!!!

Anyway, I'll try to get photos of the dorm up later, but there's a Jersey Shore party thing going on so I think I might drop by and check it out. It's sponsored by my dorm too. 
I should probably study more though... we'll see how it goes.

Edit: so very necessary...

C [Em]: RENEGADE! Never been afraid to say
what's on my mind at, any given time of day
Cause I'm a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talk about anything 

C:  anything! 
A[Jay]: Never been afraid to say
what's on my mind at, any given time of day
Cause I'm a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to holler
about anything

C: anything? 
A: Anything!

yeah, might have messed that up...but very cool!!!!!!!!

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