Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 14

went to class at 9 am...very tired, because my roommate's alarm went off at either 7 or 730 and it's so fucking loud!!

yeah, then went to greek, took a quiz, forgot the 3rd person singular middle/passive!! gahhhh
so annoying!
then had psych and since i get tehre like 30 min early because i either get there early or walk to my dorm and walk back, the professor went around and talked to people there. so i talked to him and he's really nice and cool! ..yeah
then i went to get a parcel!! mail is so awesome, but now i have so many boxes...i want to throw them out but i shouldn't.
and then i went to crew practice which was fun. we're doing ab workouts, so just wait until december! hahah.

then, we decided to go take a bus to this shopping center and i ended up getting a few things at target that i forgot. i got some coldstone icecream too, but they messed up my order. i wanted strawberry icecream, but i got maple apple or something ridiculous. i didn't tell them though, it wasn't too bad, just not what i wanted. i didn't have dinner, so it was a nice treat.
then we got back to campus, and hung out a bit and some places. at 10 there was karaoke! me and a group of girls went up and sung can't buy me love!! it was fun!
i ended up winning Date Night, but i've already seen it. the prize i really wanted was the shake weight :( lol
i got the same food as the other night, blt on wheat this time! and a lemon ice tea, not pomegranate. and a bag of chips!
yup, day has been fun.
tomorrow i have crew at 8, meeting team for breakfast at 730 maybe, so i have to wake up around 715, 720. we'll see how it goes.

oh yeah, i got this awesome smoothie today! it was mango, passionfruit, some other stuff, and some healthy stuff thrown in!!
yeah, it was chilly so i'm wearing a jacket! it's pretty comfy,
but not as comfy as my hoodie (which i'm wearing now)!
and my roommate's desk is in the background.

sung this song:
if you didn't know can't buy me love...
that would be a little sad, but i shouldn't judge. 

HAve a great day!!!!!! 

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