Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 29/30

so, i didn't write a new post because i didn't get on teh computer after i got home last night.
my roommate and her boyfriend were here.
i ended up sleeping in my bed. weird? idk...
i slept til 12 too, so i felt realllly bad :(
but she'll see him in two weeks i think.
haha at 2 couples to my list. ahhh lol. wait, maybe 3, no probably 2.
ahhh inside joke only i get! does that make it funny? no...

hmm, today i spent ALL day studying and eating when it was time to eat.
i'm so scared for my test on thursday.
i've made a list of when i'm going to study for this week.
here's to hoping that i follow it!

umm, yesterday was fun. hung out wiht some girls from my hall. meeting new people sort of.
ummmm ohhh had crew yesterday morning!
first of all, we saw an 8 person boat but they were sculling in it. so they each had two oars so 16 oars total and it was so cool!!!
and second, we brought out a 4 person boat as well as an 8 person. the 4 person one FLIPPED!!
it was so cool, and the people on the boat said it was a lot of fun! hahah.
and they all got their shoes back, even though they were wet.
(we take our shoes into the boat because we share the dock with 5 or 6 other schools, usually 2 while we are rowing though)

hmm first time being on my laptop all of today. weird.
anyway, don't have a song or a picture today. maybe tomorrow. sorry!!
don't have time to look for song and don't want to figure out an interesting photo.

1 comment:

  1. no song? i'm so disappointed.
    cool! good luck with the studying
