Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 27

I think I've found out that nearly EVERYONE except the sports people (who i don't really hang out with since i don't play their sport) is leaving for october break. what am i going to do?!  :(

umm, i have an archaeology test in exactly one week.
i think it's going to be reallly difficult and i'll have to study a lot.

i saw a skunk on campus today. it was fun! haha, but idk,
i was in a building and i saw it from two stories up, so it wasn't scary. duh...

um i'm pretty much tired. i worked today. i want my paycheck. best thing about fridays i think.
and that it's the end of the week.
i get one tomorrow! probably won't be much since I didn't work two shifts.

might go see Easy A this weekend. we'll see what happens. people on my floor want to, but i dont really want to. seems sort of dumb, like ever other movie similar to it, i guess you know what to expect when you walk in. idk...jared said it was really funny, so i guess it will be worth it. the movie theater here is so cool!! two floors and stuff.'s just a movie theater.

so during work today, they were playing ummm maid of honor. that movie with patrick demsey (speaking of him, anyone watch grey's anatomy tonight?) and the girl from winthrop, iowa (!!!).
yeah, anyway, at the end they played this song
and it was so cool cause i silently sung along.

and it's awesome to go on people's shared itunes. because then you learn more music.
i'm listening to Fun and i hadn't heard of them before i stumbled upon this guy's library.

 photo tomorrow for sure! maybe....
i don't feel like just taking a photo.
oh wait, earlier i tried to take a photo of the outside of my window.
that's the bottom view sort of. i didn't take a great photo. maybe another time? you can see where people start to walk to get out to party. um, go straight, not right, and that goes out a gate. yeah.

1 comment:

  1. haha, yeah, that's a great photo.
    I made that comment before I
    read the rest of the blog, but
    there's really nothing else to talk
    about... easy A seems cool. We
    have a film series that plays cool movies.
    half are free, other half is 5.
    pulp fiction tomorrow!
    have to pay for that one, ha. but i'm
    not going. look, I"m not even talking
    about you/yourpost now. great.
    shared libraries are cool, but I just
    get overwhelmed by all the stuff there
    is to listen to....
