Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 2!

Started second week of school. Fun stuff!!
Had my Monterrat, mostly just talked about the book. It felt like a short 50 minutes, so I guess that's good!
Then went to Greek. Had a quiz, pretty sure got them all right. I guess I'll see on Wed though. I think I'm going to stick with it, even though learning it is impossibly difficult. I'm just going to have to devote so much time to it! 

Went to the movie sale after that. Got Saw V (scary movie marathon anyone? Graham? Steve?) and Footloose I think. They were cheap, so why not? I bet I'll watch them more than once, and if not, I can give them away as a gift instead of watching. Then went to the poster sale. There were so many posters!!! But I didn't get any. My walls are bare, but I don't mind. 

Ummmm... went back to room, look at my email... and I got a parcel!! 
Turns out it was full of food from my mom!! 
Chips, cookies, Luna bars?, other bars! delicious!! ...I already ate a bag of chips :/
I read for about an hour, slept for 2 hours, read for another hour, then went to work.
I made sandwiches and subs and wraps and pizza for 3 hours! It actually wasn't too bad...and I get paid. Got off of work at 10. 
Yeah, pretty much my day. 

there's a weird video for you...i remember thinking it was funny the first time I saw it. but now a month later, it's sort of just weird.

too good!! "Sensitive thugs, y'all need hugs"


  1. i wish my mom would send me food...

  2. lol, i emailed and asked for food...
    it cost $15 to send! that's ridiculous!!
