Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 24

don't have much to say today. i didn't have a good day. i tried to wake up at 7:30, but i kept snoozing my cell phone alarm. because i did that, the hour before i actually had to wake up for class was really bad sleep.
i went to class, and i felt like i learned nothing. there was no point for me to be there i felt.
then i went to greek. i'm now lost in that class. tomorrow is devoted to learning greek and catching up in archaeology. i realized today that i'm far behind in archaeology. either i'm not noticing him saying things in class or i'm not reading the text well enough.
um, i had lunch today! i wanted to go to crew, but it was at 5, and i had to be somewhere at 730, so it would not have worked out. i went to a speaker about the galapagos at 730. i really want to go there now. i'm glad i didn't go in high school, because i would not have appreciated the beauty of the animals. i had almost no prior knowledge of the galapagos before the speaker.
after that i went to the library and read for about 1.5 hours. i got on the computer after that and chatted for quite longer than i wanted to.
for dinner i had a salad that had too much dressing on it :(

i don't have a thought for today.
My heart thump not from being nervous 
Sometimes I'm thinking God made me special here on purpose 
So all the while 'til I'm gone make my words important so 
If I slip away, if I die today the last thing you remember won't 
Be about some apple bottom jeans with the boots with the fur 

i found a church buddy, sort of. without chai lattes, i would be exhausted. 
today, i realized i like bracelets. well, not really bracelets, just stuff to put on my arm.

it's so cool! i want more stuff. just have to find more. 
how fantastic is kid cudi?!
every once in a while, i return to cudi and remember he's so good!!

i think each day i go from rap to calmer music back and forth. or it just depends on how i feel that day.

oh, i thought of a thought
how much money is too much money to spend? i want to buy something online right now. but i dont want to spend the money. i guess that's why i have a job, but i havent worked twice the week, when i should have. idk...i guess i just have to restrain myself. i like getting stuff, i just don't like spending my money on it. what am i going to do when i'm out of college and have no money because i spent it all on clothes or music or books or shoes or other stuff? how will i pay for grad school? lame that i have to think that far ahead in my life. but it's only 4 years ahead.


  1. hey, 4 years is a long time.
    where were you four years ago?
    entering high school, haha.
    didn't know me then!!
    were are a lot awkwarder.
    I don't miss those days.

  2. but those days were good.
    we were naive?
    hahaha idk.
    we were carefree.
