Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 26

I've got to learn to wake up with my alarm clock. I just snooze until I have five minutes before I have to leave for class and then rush and get to my first class.

Hmm, today was average. I covered someone's shift today for work. It was in the deli. turned out the other RA on my floor works the shift too.

umm i got to see myself row on the tv today. the coach recorded us, and then we watched in slow mo our movement and stroke and stuff. our position. arm handle. when the paddle enters the water.

ha um i can't stop listening to kid cudi, but since i don't want to post a cudi song, i'll post the song my roommate was just singing.

ah if i could see jersey boys again, i totally would!!!
but listening to frankie valli is good too!!

oh! there might be a rabid fox on my campus.
spotted sort of near my dorm.
no photo today :(
tomorrow for sure!


  1. how did you look on the video?
    you have to make music wake you up!
    then you keep listening cause it's cool.
    that's why you were typing about jersey boys?
    rabid fox?! agh!?!

  2. the video was really good! well, i don't put my paddle in the water right when i get to the catch, so i have to work on that.
    but he said i was the only one with my arms right when we feather. so that's good.

    i can't have music wake me up. well, there's music from my cell phone? i don't have an ipod waker thing. :(
