Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 37

I woke up today to go to rowing, turns out we couldn't have practice because the van we usually drive had no seats in the back. Really odd.

I sat around until 11, but I did go to brunch and had pancakes!! I like waffles better though.
I went to a study session around 5 until 630ish. It was good.
I went to mass at 10 and just got back. It was also good.
This month is Respect Life month.

Oh, so I was looking over my psych notes packet thing we had to buy and there was this cool thing. I'll type it out. For each one choose Agree or Disagree.

1. Birds of a feather flock together
2. look before you leap
4. out of sight, out of mind
5. spare the rod, spoil the child
6. opposites attract
7.  never too old to learn
8. clothes make the man
10. absences make the heart grow fonder.
11. you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
13. can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
14. he who hesitates is lost
15. catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

i realized i skipped numbers, but it doesn't matter.

anyway,  now check if
1.6 are opposites
they should all be opposite of eachother. if they aren't, then you believe that it's never too old to learn new tricks AND you can't teach an old dog new tricks. shouldn't be true though.
i just thought it was interesting.

alright, so i found out they're doing this song on glee:

which is weird 1. because it reminds me of my bro alex...
2. i listened to it in august because i realized rivers cuomo and rainn wilson did a cover of it!
and idk i've known the song since elementary school when i think we sang it for a singing program or something. yeah.
oh story behind reminds of alex, in jr high or maybe 6th grade (?) we have to go to a retreat at regina where the retreat team leaders (RTLs) would be high school students. and in 6th grade we went on it to pick out what our slogan(for lack of a better word) for the rest of our years at regina would be. and my brother, an rtl, jokingly said "what if god was one of us" and laughingly(?) sang the song (i was in his group which was weird) and then that ended up being the class of 2010's slogan.
yeah, just some insight into my years at regina.

still no pic...sorry.
how about i include a pic of jared or catherine??
i can't  make the photo bigger...this was from the summer?  oh i think when jared was in catherine's house and she was taking a shower and jamie was there too after frisbee...remember? no...ok.
hahahahah, um yeah i dont use skype that much, as you can see by the lack of my friends since debate camp last year.  this was um right when i started this blog! so like a month and a half ago?


  1. I wish I did a Day count.
    I don't know what day I'm on.
    maybe I should figure out
    and title my posts that sometimes.

  2. i started writing shit. and then i pressed the hyperlink for the youtube video you put in here...and it deleted everything that i wrote and now i'm too lazy to rewrite instead i'm writing this. goddammit astrid.

  3. ok fine, i'll write it again...class doesn't start for another 5 minutes. and my prof always talks for like 10 minutes at the beginning about...everything. my god my hair was so short then, and what kind of a face is that--am i suprised? scared? creeped out? i don't know!!! cath's pic is far funnier.

    my hair is soooooo long right now. locks of love is coming on campus on wednesday. it's $10 for a haircut if you can't donate. pretty good deal.

    that psych thing is fucking cool..but apparently I am one fucked up kid...

  4. fantastic!
    haha. idk. i don't even remember why i took that photo. i think it was accidental, but then i noticed i had it and kept it.
    you should take a picture of yourself and post it!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. and guys can give to locks of love?
    never thought of that, but it makes sense.
