Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 58

I missed brunch today :(
I slept through it, and woke up at 12, although I think it goes until 2, but i didn't want to go then because i didn't know anyone else going.
i texted a girl around 10 that i might go at 1030, but after i sent the text, i just went back to sleep.
um, then my day ended up being:
attempt at work
go to basement
watch football
listen to people's conversations
obviously not doing much work
leave basement, go to room, shower
go to library, put head on desk at library, fall asleep for 5 minutes
leave library
go to basement
study room is much louder than social room, but i stay there anyway
i get some homework done that's due wednesday
i go to the social room
try to do work, but watch some football with other people
go to dinner
go to church - oh at church, there was a georgetown priest there and 2 others, but i don't remember where they're from. did you hear about the drug lab at georgetown in a freshman dorm room? odd...
go back to social room and watch the end of the vikings/packers game
umm try to study some more and watch the news
and now i'm here
i missed hall decorating. it's so halloween-y (?) here!
umm really nothing happened today.
tomorrow i'm going to breakfast at 730! i'm making myself!
i have to read some of euclid's elements for tomorrow though. maybe i'll do that after breakfast..

ohh i forgot to add a song
so i will
i found this song today
not sure if i like it yet, but i'll see a day or few (can you change it from a day or two, to a day or few?..idk)

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