Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 57

Today was fun!
I had brunch :)
and then i tried to do work, but ended up looking at stuff online.
at 4:30 i got on the bus to go to Salem. it's about a 1.5-2 hour bus ride.
i met some cool people. one group of people that went were going for a girl's birthday. we mostly hung out with them, as it turns out. i don't think they minded, especially since we knew 1/2 of the group.
we tried to go on some ghost tours, but the tours were sold out. we went into a haunted house, but it was definitely not worth how much it cost. you can just as easily get scared just by being there.
we went into one place to get our palms read, tarot cards read, and whatever else is done at those places. it cost  between $30 and $50 depending on what you wanted. when we left a lady yelled something like, why did the fucking come in this place if those motherfuckers didn't want anything?
we found a fair thing, and 1/2 of the birthday party went on a ferris wheel. we stayed and talked and sang songs?
we then continued our search for starbucks and when we found one, it was closed :( it had just closed! we got there at 8 and it closed at 8.
we ended up at dunkin donuts. i got a hot chocolate and i learned some cool trick games.
hmm, while walking around i saw a pirate statue thing like the ones catherine and i saw at the museum of nat history in chicago (remember, catherine, if you're reading this?)
yup, ended up at, what i think was, a german shop. so i got a bunch of bueno bars!! delicious! i hope they don't melt or anything. oh, i just remembered at the beginning of the semester i had one or two toblerones! if only i had kept some :(

yeah, at 945 we left. ended up back here around 1130. it was cool!!!
when i got back to my door, a bunch of girls were just sitting and standing in the hall, so i joined them. they're pretty nice. i played with a nerf gun for a while, but i missed our attack on the second floor guys :(
it's on youtube somewhere though... or actually it's not. i just checked, it's on facebook though! (not mine...)

um, yeah hung out for a while. a lot of people came back from partying. some people got arrested, but i don't think people from my floor.
actually...idk...i'll wait until tomorrow to find out.

no more to say that i can actually think of. i have a headache...tomorrow i have so much work to do!
i got one thing crossed off my list of things to do and there were 6. ah! and the girl i emailed 12 hours ago about a group paper for archaeology hasn't responded! college sucks when your grade is dependent on other people... :(

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