Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 39

today, my roommate woke me up at 9 something because she thought i had a class at 10. i told her my first class was at 2...
i think she just wanted me out of the room though, so she could write her essay.
i ended up waking at 10, and watched house and chuck as i made flash cards.

yup, my flash cards for psych and for greek...and i'm wearing my whistle!!

i have a greek quiz and a psych test tomorrow one after the other.
i did my laundry today! 2 loads, and i still couldn't fit all my clothes in those two washes, so i have some clothes still in the hamper. :(
i had to go ask the person at the bookstore for quarters. she was nice about it though.

i didn't go to crew today, because i wanted to do work.
i'm writing my blog early, because i still have a lot to do. i got a medium chai latte though, so i think it should hold me over to 11pm, but that's definitely not late enough.

umm it's respect life month, so at dinner people offered ribbons and i took one. you're suppose to wear it all month, but i'm not going to. i think i'll just put it on my backpack or something. i don't even know what i think about abortion anyway. well, i'm not completely prolife or prochoice. i guess i have my own view on it, but i don't think we should stop people from having an abortion. just make sure everyone knows all the facts i guess.
i think white ribbons were suppose to also be handed out for respect women? i don't actually know what it's called, but i believe it's for battered women and children. i would have taken one of those ribbons, too, if i saw them.

i watched glee, because a group of us had to work on some homework and the best place is the social room so we could talk. it turned out we met at the same time as glee. so i sort of saw the episode. i missed all the funny lines though, but i heard the group laughing. it was about religion. it was interesting. i liked the songs.

hmm, this is a long post. i still have to put away my laundry. have a good night!!
i don't want to find a song. actually i have a youtube link up from earlier today.
here it is:
i don't like the video. it's too creepy.
the song is coool.
This HQ is alive and alone, 
No driveway no sign of a home, 
No dial tone, no line for the phone, 
No world's tiniest violin song, 
And i might just lie to them all, lie in the morgue 
With a deep breath hiding and bored, 
Fighting a smile, highly annoyed, 
When the timing is right i will rise and record

I ended up looking up another songgg
which is much better, or equal, but in different genres?
the song is sort of weird. the lyrics. 
male prostitution. but it sounds good. the beat, the tune. 
and how it was written is really cool. 
i think people who write song lyrics are really talented. 

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