Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 51

Tomorrow starts the end of break! :(
I have two classes.
Then I get to pick up a package from my mom! I think it's just my jacket though :(
Then I have to mail my paycheck home...
which costs money...which is dumb.

hmm, i found a guitar pick.
someone plays the guitar on campus!
enough to carry a pick and lose it.

i also found a receipt from a store in hawaii on my bed. it was odd. probably fell out of my backpack? i don't know...

my roommate is back. along with everyone else on my floor.
my roommate has a cough and it's a bit annoying, but i'll live.

oh! i need new headphones! the ones i have now only work if i hold the end where it plugs in just right.
i guess i'll buy some tomorrow too, if the bookstore sells them.

hmm, looked up the word anyway today. i've been using it wrong for quite a while. you aren't suppose to use anyway as a way to divert from a conversation and start a new one. and anyways isn't a word either. weird.

well, don't really have a song to put here, especially since i've been asking for new music.
i was looking at the top 100 on youtube, and some girl on the xfactor butchered this song. i don't understand why she is still on the show.

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