Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 33/34/35 -WORLD SMILE DAY!

Missed two days?!
Missed wed night and thurs night and today is friday
took a test thursday, and it went okay. i completely missed one of the problems, but i think i'll still manage a B, which I'm fine with.
i think i'm just going to stay in and study tonight. i have crew at 8 am anyway.
i'm really tired, i need to be getting more sleep.
now what?
oh i got my paycheck, but it's not the one that i should have gotten a week ago.
it was nice.
my bank of america account was cancelled and i don't know why. don't care enough to figure out right now. i probably will over break considering i transfered $50 to the account and i want that money back.

sadly, i've caught up on all of the shows i watch on tv.
i really just want to go to sleep, but i think my roommate will think i'm lame :(
hahah, i don't care though. i think i might as well.
she's staying in tonight anyway.
there's a white trash ( i think that's what it's called) party tonight. hahah
last weekend there was a blackout.
this week is homecoming. a bunch of alumni are coming. since i live in a good dorm that's known for traditions, i think a lot of alumni are going to show up. it'll be cool. they'll play stickball outside because it's a tradition, and i'll end up watching (while studying)...


oh today was/is world smile day! founded in worcester, because the guy who made the smiley face lived in worcester or something...
:)          =)         :]     =]        how many ways are there to make a smile on a computer? idk...

i also got a parcel full of food and clothes. let me put off laundry for a few more days :P

you'll never get another picture :(

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