Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 64

I didn't feel like writing a blog yesterdya, so i didn't.
i raced in the regatta yesterdya.
it was a lot of fun
i got so many more blisters, but that's i definitley won't take a photo of it.
umm i sat around for a while. i actaully don't remember what i was going to do/did.
i watched 1/2 of the iowa game. and then at 5 i took a nap, which turned into sleeping until 1200, so i missed a lot of the halloween festivities, and since everyone had alraedy left the hall, i couldn't really figure out what was going on. :(
that's ok though. i slept some more after i messed around on the computer some.
my roommate's parents came by earlier in the day. it was alright.
yeah, i don't have much more to say.
tonight was really not that much fun, although i did catch up on sleep...but i didn't mean to, i just kept sleeping.
oh! i missed the a capella concert :(
i reallllllllly wanted to go, but i slept through it. gah.
well i hope your halloween eve was fun! byez

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