Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 40

TODAY sucked...actually, not really.
Well, first of all.
Last night, I was sleeping, like usual. I went to sleep between 1:30 and 1:45. My roommate, I believe went to sleep between 2 and 2:15. But, what felt like half way through the night, my roommate started to talk to me. I remember thinking, is she really talking to me? She asked, "how do you fall asleep?" and "how do you stay asleep" and other questions. and i didn't answer, but she kept asking. and i was thinking, is she seriously asking me these questions. i didn't check the time, because i didn't want to pick up my head and look at the bright light of my alarm clock. i answered something like, "i just do" or "it just happens" or "i'm not really sure." something vague...

yeah, when i actually woke up, i woke up at 850 because i kept thinking the noise from my cell phone was a mens choir singing in my dream and my alarm clock was a whale blowing it's water thing. not sure how they were both in the same dream, but whatever. but i hurried up for class, and made it on time.

i had a greek quiz, which i think i did alright on. and then i had my psych test. the mc was soooo easy, but the short answer, i forgot a lot of the answers to the questions in the book because i did them like a month ago when we first got the reading and didn't review them. later, when i got back to my room, i definitely remembered one of the answers from the book and it annoyed me. same with my greek quiz, after i turned in my quiz less than 5 seconds later i remembered there was one more english translation for a word...i'm going to miss 1/3 of a point for that one :(

um, then i messed around on the computer for a few hours, because i was beat from studying. i did look for shifts to take, but none were open for wed night. i got ready for crew, but only 7 people showed up and we need 8, so 3 of us left (i did). i ended up going downstairs and watching the reds game and studying.
then i watched the yankee's game and studied and i think figured out part of this math homework i have!!! it's really confusing though... but i'm going to see the prof tomorrow during office hours.

this feels like a long post :(

i just got back from the library, and it's weird leaving when the library is closing for the night. i see all the people who are beat from studying, and i see all of the people who work really hard. i thought i heard someone yell "fuck this" and then like 3 minutes later "fuck." but that might have just been in my head, telling myself i'm screwed for my greek quiz on friday.

i'm working out trying to figure out days and times of traveling to go see catherine this's more difficult than i thought it would be... :(
it's ok though! as long as i get there, it'll be fine...?

there's more to say, but i can't think of what it is.
hmm, i feel as though when i get back to iowa city, it's going to be weird when i don't say "hi" to everyone i see, even if i don't know the person, like i do here. or when i get back, it's going to be weird to hold the door open for the person behind you or about to walk in, because we do that all the time here, and i don't remember that ever happening in ic, but it probably did.

i also don't like it when people say "good times" or when people can't have a conversation without saying "like" as a filler word. it annoys me so much! and so often people talk that way. i do it sometimes though, so i shouldn't hate on it too much.

ohh, another thing is that i need a raincoat! or rain boots! the TA (i think that's what she is) in my psych class was telling the prof during the test about how much rain boots cost. anyway, it rains so much here, that i need them. i have an umbrella, but it's definitely not enough. but i feel as though once i get my rain boots, i'll need snow boots.

now this is a long post...maybe?
i want to go to italy!!!
it's pretty sad that italy sometimes reminds me of this song...
haha i remember this music vid...

hah her album is called metamorphosis.
pretty sure it was one of the first cds i bought with my own money. and i was embarrassed buying it. i remember not wanting greg or rob seeing me buy it in best buy with them.
pretty sure next cd after that was kanye west's trio. then some whiner emo(ish) music. then death cab for cutie. yeah, then the end of cds? might have a few more.
oh wait, i got some more rap somewhere in there. maybe 2pac?
oh and hall and oates!!!
hah, my sad and pathetic music collection. i wish i had more cds :(
ok g'night.
have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. my arch professor only shows examples of architecture from italy. only italy. except yesterday, he showed some aerial pics of old new york--he was lecturing stuff to do with city planning and the movement of people. We contrasted the long straight avenues to the short, highly segmented roads of rome. (see, italy!!) yeah.

    let's go to italy!
