Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 55

I went to the museum today!
One of the girls who is in my group, didn't show up. The group is three people...
I sort of expected it, but it was still really annoying.
I got to see all (or most?) of all of the colleges in Worcester. One of them I thought was a high school (Worcester State).  We finished the paper on the bus ride back, but it's 100 words over the limit.
I also had breakfast, but it wasn't that good. I had a waffle, but I put on too much syrup. And I had fruit - the only time of the day when the dining hall has good fruit.

Class was boring...more boring than usual.
Tomorrow I have two quizzes. One of them I just remembered now... :(
I didn't go to rowing today, and everyone else on the team did. I felt left out :'(
I did do a psychology experiment, and I got paid five dollars for it! There were three of us, and we played a game. I looked up the game  later, and it's about the prisoner's dilemma, sort of. I didn't do the nash equilibrium, I did what would be best for all of us.
It was interesting...and only 20 minutes. a quarter a minute! definitely worth it!

Work was mundane... and I didn't get a paycheck today. Tomorrow!

AND I helped solve a crossword today, and get 1/2 of the nyt crossword done! I didn't solve the kenken today, though :(

I listened to the a capella coed group today. They sang fix you/umbrella and
It was pretty good, but i wanted to hear a different song than fix you/umbrella, because I heard it last time. I still really liked it though!
time to go study a bit and then go to sleep!
I had a thought earlier, but I've since forgotten...
oh, i had it. what's an example of free will?
i can't think of one at all! it was a thought question in psychology a month ago,
and i couldn't think of one at all. hmm, whatever.
i'll go google it...

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