Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 38

I was going to go to breakfast today, didn't end up happening.
my roommate woke me up for my class. it was boring.
in greek, i, once again, failed my quiz. :(
the test on friday seems like a lot of work, but i'm more focused on psych right now.

crew was fun! although it was on the ergs.
then i worked which took forever! but it was someone's bday so we sang and stuff. she turned 21.
at the hall meeting, we wrote down some goals and reflected on the past month. we got cookies!! delicious because it was a black and white cookie!!
umm i found another girl on my floor who is staying for break, except for the first weekend.

ohh today i got a parcel! and omg!!! i was so happy!!!!!!!!
so many exclamation points in the post. i guess it was a fantastic day!

here's what i got:
can you see it?? it's a whistle!!! (my roommate's john mayer posters are in the background and some photos)

ah so i was so excited to get the whistle! it took 2 weeks? maybe 2.5.

anyway, good luck to catherine on her env stud test Tuesday!! 
oh and who has seen jb's new music vid? u smile? it's ehhh, why does he pick that girl?

mike posner! 
ta-take off your halo ta-take off your halo
it doesn't even glow no more.

who wants to send me some food? i'll eat it all in 3 days.

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