Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 62

I found out that i need to take calc over the summer at u of i...but i want to take an intensive calc like they offer here which is calc 1 and 2 combined (basically calc bc), but i don't think u of i offers it over the summer...and i also have to get department consent at hc...
i have a midterm tomorrow at 9.
i don't know how i'll do on it.
i have to remember how to complete the square to get the quadratic equation...
and the fuckers outside are yelling.
ummm crew was alright. i still don't know if i'm rowing this weekend, but now there's a race next weekend that i could go to if i'm not going this weekend.
i didn't go to work. i don't know if someone took my shift either.
i hope someone did, then i don't have to make it up later...and not get the bonus at the end of the semester.
i really don't remember what i did today at all!
that's probalby because i woke up at 1230 ish...
um oh!
today was apple day at the dining hall!
there was apple crisp and apple bread pudding and hot apple cider and apples and caramel apples! and ice cream! and it was delicious! i had some of everything and i brought back 6 apples...hah, but they look delicious! i'm going to eat one now...
umm oh! i also made a pudding graveyard!

the milano cookies are grave stones, the cool whip are ghost (with choco chip eyes) the dirt is pudding and smashed oreos, and the pumpkins are pumpkins in a grave yard but they're candy corn and the spoon i used to eat it!
it was delicious but wayyyyyyyyy too much :(
i offered it to other people and they didn't want it. one girl had some though.
only my hall made them. my section of the hall, so 1/2 of the hall.
should sleep, but i don't want to. ehhhhhhhh

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