Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 53 (59?)

I think I'm going to keep with the old numbers and just always think +6 in my head. I should figure out which one is right for real, but I don't want to right now.
I'm going to try to make this post short, because I want to sleep.

Today was alright. I got an A on my midterm in archaeology!!!! SO HAPPY :) I was going to post a pic, but the lights are off, because my roommate is trying to sleep.

rowing was cool. i'm missing thursday though. so i won't be working out until friday :(
um...i didn't do much after rowing which is bad. i did do my greek homework, and i understood all of it!
i had a conversation with some people about the government. we were talking about who was going to vote, and i said i wasn't. i'm not for two reasons, 1. i didn't register in time, and 2. i don't think i know enough about any of the candidates or what should be done about the problems in the US/ world....

i also don't have the time right now to read about the candidates, and i don't want to blindly vote one way or the other. i also think that voting is a waste of time, because the vote doesn't really seem to matter. a win is a win, it doesn't matter the percentage.
also, i realized after talking with the people, that i have no fucking clue about any of the problems in the US, well i do have some clue, but not enough to be able to pick a side.
i also think my views will change in months, so if i vote for a candidate now, i'll probably changing what i believe and not agreeing with the candidate later.  and i think this is all true for a lot of people who vote, which is pretty sad.
not even sure if any of that made sense, but it's too late to care......

anddddd watching weeds just isn't fun anymore. i watched a clip of it today, and i kept wondering why i was watching it and when the clip was going to end. it isn't funny. first few seasons were very good. moving to mexico was a bad idea.

i don't have a song, but i have a fantastic video for y'all:

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