Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 60

Wooooo new day!

I woke up for breakfast and watched the today show again. taylor swift was on.
um then i tried to go to sleep, but looked at courses for next semester.
i'm also done deciding.
to fulfill my lit requirement i think i'm going to take ummmmm i can't htink of it now
oh! mythology!
it should be kind of cool, i liked it when we read it in ap english.
anyway, the day was uneventful again.
i went to rowing and we rowed all 8 most of the time.
and we got all of our oars off the water until the next stroke a few times too! we're getting better at balancing the boat!
so here's a picture of me:
there really is no point to this photo, i just haven't taken one in a while, so i did today. i'm wearing my girl talk shirt.  i worked out in it...which means i haven't changed clothes...... whatever. it wasn't bad out...

i can't undo this font after i made the caption right now...but today was nice! it was in the 70s unlike all of last week . 
my roommate made some terrible food for dinner and the room smells! i don't think she goes to the dining hall often...

hmm. i don't really have a song either. 
i'll look for one

psh...it's kind of annoying, and not good...but whatever. i wouldn't be surprised to hear it on the radio in the next few months. or weeks. idk...


  1. you have a TV in your room? hmm and I might've asked you this but do you have a roommate? Kudos for writing things daily!!

  2. ah no, i don't :(
    i watched it in the social room in the basement on my dorm.
    yeah, writing daily is difficult sometimes, but i like being able to go back and read what i did.
    and yes, i do have a roommate. she's alright. i'm glad I got her as a roommate, although other people would be preferable, but she's definitely not as bad as some people here.
