Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 59 - make the skunks stop stinking!

TOday was awesome.
I actually thought of something cool to write, but i forgot it...

breakfast was good! except, the fruit wasn't ripe. and i wasn't in the mood for an omelet, but i got one anyway.
i went to classes and i wasn't tired! in greek, i messed up my quiz pretty bad. :(
i worked from 1-430 or 5! it was really rewarding. i watched ellen, oprah a little, maury show, grey's anatomy, pawn stars... it was pretty good.
lunch was decent. i got a cheese quesadilla.
i haven't had meat in a week and some days. i don't like the meat here at all. it's clearly not good for you. it's processed (can meat be processed?), it's fried, it's overcooked, the animals are treated poorly.
anyway, i don't think i'll eat the meat here. i'll go vegetarian for a while, but it won't last.
i'll cave when i get back to iowa city, or when i go out to dinner to a nice restaurant and want lamb or duck or some meat. and those animals are usually treated nicely! on farms!  not veal though...

hmm, i took a nap today! it was great, but i woke up 5 minutes before work, so i ran there. i met with my psychology group for some homework. we did a survey of 2males, 2 females per person. we found out that on average, most males and females look for the same in the opposite sex (attractive, humor/personality, something else i forgot), and that both m/f think that miscommunication is common. AND if a male became a girl for a day, he would want to do sterotypical female things (shopping...) and talk to other girls whereas if girl became guy she would want to play sports without a shirt on and talk to other guys.

um, time to go to sleep! i need to wake up at 720 for breakfast, but i don't have class until 2 pm...
i  need to pick classes for next semester and edit a paper. i edited the paper yesterday and printed it, but today another girl edited the old version and she wants to use hers but i don't want to use something i haven't read, so i'm going to read it...but it's annoying because she didn't go to museum with us and she didn't work on the paper, so her editing is probably not done well...

anddddddddd I want the fucking skunks on campus to stop smelling! it's terrible!

and i don't have a song...
my roommate just mentioned this song, and i said i hadn't heard it before, but i have!

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